Work Team Vs Work Group

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Work Team Vs Work Group


In this research we try to discover the insight of “Work Team Vs Work Group” in a holistic perspective. The key heart of the study is on “Work Team Vs Work Group” and its relation with “Management”. The research also examines various characteristics of “Work Team Vs Work Group” and tries to measure its effect. Lastly the research illustrates a variety of factors which are responsible for “Work Team Vs Work Group” and tries to describe the overall effect of it.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents3

Work Team4

Work Group4

Discussion and Analysis4

Formation of Team Work5

Formation of a working group6


Formation of subgroups7

Conflict and confrontation8


Implementation and shared responsibility8

Benefits of teams9

For individuals9

For organizations9


Work Team Vs Work Group

Work Team

A work team is a self-sufficient collaboration of employees that governs all aspects of its existence while providing an organized method of accomplishing tasks through the utilization of experts, self-censoring, and the ability to follow up. Work teams are best thought of as similarly employed individuals who perform a service, resolve a problem, or produce a product for their employer.

Work Group

A working group is a group whose purpose is the realization of a work. The Working Group is neither a family nor a band or a group of friends is a group of people who have personal relationships face to face, it is characterized by the convergence of efforts by the performing a task that will be the joint work (Forsyth, 2010).

Discussion and Analysis

Teamwork is the more commonplace term that refers to the group effort. Each team member must possess certain characteristics. Those necessary characteristics form the acronym TEAM: trust, enthusiasm, ambition, and motivation. Trust relates to the ability to rely on teammates making for a stronger unit. Trust must exist between players, players and coaches, and in one's own abilities. When trust is not present, individualism will prevail, and thus the team is weakened. The sheer desire to be a part of a team and the willingness to pursue excellence is what constitutes enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is what creates team bonding, uniting the team for a common purpose. Ambition refers to the desire to succeed, while motivation refers to the internal desire that drives behavior (Kozlowski & Bell, 2003).

Work Groups tend to be structured—organized by patterns of regular relations and interdependences among the members. This structure is sometimes deliberately specified in founded groups, but even in the most informal of work groups, certain individuals acquire the authority to coordinate the activities of the group, to provide others with guidance, and to relay communications to other group members. The so-called leaderless group does not remain that way for long, for leaders emerge gradually as groups develop stabilities in their structures and relations (Knippenberg & Schippers, 2007).

Formation of Team Work

There are several different types of work teams that are formed for specific outcomes, such as providing advice (advisory panels), production work (assembly teams), projects (task forces), and organized action. Team formation generates synergy and has become a preferred method of goal attainment by many ...
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