Woody 2000 Project

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Woody 2000 Project

Woody 2000 Project

Company Background

Custom Woodworking Company is a small-to-medium sized custom furniture and cabinet making company, with head-office and a spacious plant site at Industrial Estates, Someplace, BC.  The Custom Woodworking Company At the meeting, the total cost of the work, not including office renovation, was roughly estimated at £17 million. Woody agreed to commit the company to a budget of £17 million as an absolute maximum for all proposed work and the target date for production would be eighteen months from now.

Project management is a well-established discipline that defines in detail the tools and techniques that are required to define, plan, and implement any project. However, while many researchers have addressed the issues surrounding the management of projects within large firms (White and Fortune, 2002; Bryde, 2003)

Project Management of Custom Woodworking Company

Woody wood constructions are proposing project management as a broad- brush approach for formulating plans and taking care of daily business. In other words, project management is becoming a piece of organisation managerial philosophy, like total quality or customer satisfaction or lean management (Besner & Hobbs, 2008, Pp. 16-33). It is becoming inbred, part of the fibre of the Woody wood constructions, an accepted way for accomplishing goals. Woody wood constructions project management is compatible with ongoing management philosophies such as client-focused management, quality movements and revamping of business processes.

Project management refers to all actions required to meet a definite need within the deadlines. Thus, as the project is a temporary action that has a beginning and end, using identified resources (human and material) during its execution, and that costs should be budgeted resources and a balance sheet separately from the company. "End products" refers to the expected outcomes of the project. The difficulty of managing a project is largely on the number of people involved. In fact, in contrast with personal or internal projects in small scale for which the need and the response to this need can be provided by the same person or a limited group of people, in a project in the professional sense, the term of need and satisfaction of this need is the responsibility of different people (Besner & Hobbs, 2008, Pp. 16-33). This increases the probability of conflict while managing the project; hence, it is said that “conflict during project management is inevitable”.

Effective project management requires efficient crisis management techniques; because while managing a project there is a strong probability of crisis or conflicts. Project management requires interaction of a lot of people; each having a different frame of mine, behaviour, personality and range of ideas that he wants to contribute. Hence, when all these people interact with each other the situation of conflict often arises (Besner & Hobbs, 2008, Pp. 16-33). Therefore, conflict management is critically important while managing a project because the project will ultimately fail if proper techniques are not adapted for resolving the conflict.

Project Planning & Control Techniques

PERT/Critical Path Method

The PERT chart can be used to indicate the minimum and maximum times for ...
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