What are some of the strengths associated with the Pro side and con side of the issue? What are some of the weaknesses?
Pros and Cons of the Issues Related To Women
When looking at salaries, men averaged about $18,000 more in median salary than women in 2000, $15,000 more in 2005, and $17,000 more in 2010 regardless of years of experience, age, job interruptions, and education level. When looking at the perceptions of salary, men were more satisfied with their income than women and disagreed that there was a salary discrepancy and that women receive lower salaries for doing similar work. These perceptions did not change over time.
The Glass Ceiling
In different PRSA studies, women believed more than men that there was difficulty in gaining promotions for women. In 2005 women and men more likely agreed that it was difficult for women to gain entry into executive-level positions; in 2010 both male and female participants agreed less with that statement but suggested that this might be a result of the increasing number of women dominating the public relations industry. Participants also lamented that although more women were entering the field, men continued to be groomed for management positions and promoted more quickly than women. And when women did work in management, they reported that they served in a managerial as well as a technical capacity and often for less money (Dozier, 2008).
The 2010 study revealed that women were considerably more likely to be hired for staff or technical positions rather than for management positions, and women and men moderately disagreed that an equally capable woman would be hired over a man for the same job and disagreed that women were hired as a result of affirmative action. Women agreed more than men that women are hired for management positions within their organizations but not throughout the public relations industry (Place, 2009).
Based on the statements presented in this critical issue, which author do you agree with? Provide supporting evidence.
This paper attempted to shed light on the assertion that women lack ambition. In addition, the paper also addressed the fundamental understanding behind this assertion. The discussion highlighted the intricacies that underlie this concept and the essential elements that constitute this element. As a result of this discussion, it can be stated without a doubt, that the debate which seeks to identify if women lack ambition or not needs to be brought back into the original context for which it was meant. Currently, the volume of available text pertaining to this subject is taking on a pattern in which it is steadily deviating from the central idea. (Broom, 2010).
Explore two other roles that can be acquired during early and middle adulthood, such as through parenthood, romantic relationships, and career.
When study participants were surveyed to determine the roles they played within organizations, men primarily performed in the manager role in which they counseled management, conducted and analyzed research, evaluated program results, supervised staff, made policy ...