Woman Rights In Saudi Arabia

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Woman rights in Saudi Arabia

Woman's rights in Saudi Arabia

Research Question

What are the basic rights that Saudi women deprived of even in 21st century because of male dominance?


The perseverance of women's elimination from unrestricted life in modern-day Saudi Arabia is one of the most intense arguments in Muslim countries as well as around the world since internationally Saudi society is scrutinized more and more. Though Saudi Arabia is counted in the list of less-developed country but the concerns about rights and responsibilities of Saudi women in the course of development remain evenly notorious amid traditionalist and progressives of Saudi society.

Deprivation of Saudi women from their certain rights for many years will be discussed in this review. Many conducted studies suggest that rights of women in Saudi Arabia are not privileged to them in the manner in which they should be. After this review author will be able to support the claim that: Despite of gradual development in this regard, they are still facing gender discrimination in education sector, their issues are never covered correctly just because they cannot appear in public and are extensively controlled by their guardians.



Women of Saudi Arabia face many constraints in the process of education attainment. This argument will be discussed in this section. According to Dr. Al-Jawhara Bubshait formal education process for women in Saudi Arabia faced many obstacles and hurdles and it caused 30 years set back after the Saudi state establishment. Doumato (2000) believes that women were provided informal religious education which needs to be memorized not reading that is why many illiterate women could read their religious book Quran but did not have any formal education till 1960. With the course of the time, education for women in the kingdom started getting support. It is pointed out by Karmi (1996) that although an ...
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