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Wisconsin And Japan Crimes

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Wisconsin and Japan Crimes

Wisconsin and Japan Crimes


The crime is any violation of laws and standards set by those who, politically or socially, that are against the values accepted in society. From the very beginning, every society, every country has its share of crimes and offenses.

The concept of crime contains not only social, but it is also influenced by relativity, because the appreciation of the same criminal behavior changes according to the values ??and beliefs that societies and eras portrayed. Obviously, the social environment is constantly changing and so is the case for certain crimes. Crimes are divided into six prime categories.

These include murder, rape, robbery that comes under the umbrella of felonies. Shop lifting, burglary and theft of vehicles. Such types of crimes are known as larceny. Apart from this offences that are violent include assault (simple and aggravated) as well as unlawful means and possessions of weapons.

Further categories of crimes include intellectual which cover frauds, trust breaching, bribery etc. There are crimes related to moral issues such as indecent exposure, gambling. The list of crimes goes on, but the degree of severity in every society. Hence there exist crime in every state, in every country and in order to combat crime and increasing rates of crimes there exist a proper law and orders system.


Crime and Punishment

Now coming down to the crime rate, punishment as well as correction methods to deal with crime between Japan and Wisconsin it is essential to understand the current prevailing crime situation in these two places. It has been observed that in over the years Japan has demonstrated an exceptionally low crime rate compared to other leading industrialized countries. In 1994, the "factor of a crime" on the main one is: in the USA - 5374, Great Britain - 9790, Germany - 8038, France - 6783, Japan - 1427. (Carl, 2004)

The main reason attributed to this is that there are strict laws and enforcement policies for everything that comes under the category of crime. There are strict punishment, penalties for those who do not follow the law and order of the country. The Japan has a long tradition of the death penalty, especially in times of war. In some cases, cause death is seen as a noble way to die in Japanese society. Since the Japanese Penal Code was westernized in the Meiji era, it authorizes the death penalty for crimes that are most shocking. Such crimes for other countries are considered not so huge that one should be sentenced with death. The United States of North America has very little reformed the penal code in 1945, when they occupied the country and the death penalty was upheld. (Feldman, 2000)

Japan is a country that is famous to not forgiving. You commit a crime and you shall be punished severely. They are not even hesitant in giving a death statement. It seems that many people are prosecuted for burglary or fraud. It has been observed that, everything is a crime in ...
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