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What is ERP?

The ERP systems of the company (in English ERP, enterprise resource planning) are information management systems that integrate and automate many business practices associated with the operational aspects of a business or productive. Although in my everyday life I do not need these systems, it is interesting that there is a wide range of free ERP, given the high dependence generated by these applications on the supplier when they are not free, as you said Ricardo Galli . Apart from the (important) cost reduction coupled with the freedom of software, which usually pays for maintenance but not the software itself. I guess that among the best known of this list is Openbravo, but not alone. As we shall see.

There are 3 characteristics that define an ERP:

1. They are integrated systems

2. are modular

3. and adaptable.

These Erp Have Specific Functions And Standard Modules

The main objectives of ERP systems are:

1. Optimization of business processes.

2. Access to reliable, accurate and timely.

3. The ability to share information between all components of the organization.

4. Elimination of unnecessary operations and data.

5. Reducing time and costs of litigation.

The basic purpose of ERP is to provide support to business customers, faster response times to problems and an efficient management information enabling timely decision making and reduced total operating costs.

For a long time people dedicated to technology Infomatica ask us if Linux was so powerful Queno what was there was an ERP for Linux?, Well then there was no response EnPro satifactoria Linux evangelism, but already had begun as a apicacion developed by PeopleSoft as the company realized the need to integrate its ERP system to Red Hat platform, bends that SAP is the largest ERP developer company in the world and their most sercanos competior is PeopleSoft. (Harbaugh, 2001)

Over time it began to develop open source ERP which are almost as powerful as the ERP owners, here I decribire few of them:


Is a solution that integrates ERP + CRM (management of customer relationships) under Windows and Web interfaces. It is an international solution based on the flows of work done by the staff of the company. It is a 100% Java on Oracle database with JBOSS application server.


It is a project to create a generic ERP done with free software. Currently supports: customer and order management, billing, stock management and billing, point of sale, performance and distributed data replication offline. The implementation uses Gnome. (Salkever, 2002)


He knew because Enrique Dans talked about it for a while. Openbravo is an Open Source implementation of ERP-type business management for enterprises with small and medium size. The data structure of the application is originally based on Compiere. Openbravo is an application client / web server that allows it to be used from any web browser.

Written in Java and runs on Apache Tomcat and database support for PostgreSQL and Oracle. Now available in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Ukrainian.

Openbravo is licensed under the Openbravo Public License Version ...
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