This health promotion plan is about the benefits of WIC program in Maryland. It focuses on the implementation of breast-feeding strategies to the women, who are attending the WIC clinics in Maryland. The aim of this health plan is to increase the awareness among the women of Maryland about breast-feeding. This study evaluates the strategies that are essential to make modifications in the women's behavior towards breast-feeding. It shows how the health promotion plan would change the breast-feeding behavior of women in Maryland. It demonstrates various strategies that must be implemented to see the desired results such as education and training of women in clinics. It also demonstrates outcome variables that would influence the results.
WIC Program in Maryland
The WIC is a federal assistance program, which is managed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for nutrition of breastfeeding women, low-income pregnant women, infants and children . The WIC is especially designed for :
•Pregnant women
•Breastfeeding women
•Nonbreastfeeding postpartum women
•Infants for a year.
•Children up to 5th year.
The following benefits are provided to WIC participants:
•Supplemental foods
•Nutrition education at WIC clinics
•Referrals to other health services.
WIC provides services to:
•mobile clinics (vans)
•country health departments
•community centers
•public housing sites
•migrant health centers (WIC, 2012).
WIC is running a nationwide breast-feeding promotion program, to promote breast-feeding in women upto 1year. WIC program has proved effective in initiating breast -feeding in women.WIC runs this program through its specific clinic, hospitals and community centers. To promote breast-feeding, a health promotion program should planned to increase the awareness of Maryland women about breast-feeding. This program would educate the women about the important and benefits of breast-feeding.
Breast milk is a nutritious fluid, which changes its composition during according to the needs of infant throughout the course of lactation (Trotter, 2004). It contains such antibacterial agents that provides the infant with the required nutrients required at each stage of growth. Breast milk changes its composition, from immunoglobulin-rich colostrum for the newborn to mature milk for mature baby, to meet the specific needs of growing infant. Colostrum contains a greater proportion of protein and minerals and less fat than mature milk (Riordan & Wambach, 2010). The composition of milk also changes during a single session of feeding. Hind milk contains more fat than fore milk (Bai, 2007).
Human milk contains antibacterial agents such as Lactoferin, immunoglobulins and lysozymes. Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein, which limits the availability of iron to pathogenic bacteria in the infant's gut such as E-coli. The lactoferrin is found in human milk in the form of apolactoferrin. This is highly beneficial because apolactoferrin competes with siderophillic bacteria, thereby, disrupts the proliferation of these pathogenic bacteria. Immunoglobulin coats the mucosal epithelium thus preventing the attachment of these specific infectious agents. The predominant immunoglobulin in human milk is immunoglobulin A (Bai, 2007).
Hunan milk meets the nutritional needs of the human infant. It has the required nutrients provided in easily digestible and bioavailable forms. It provides ample amount of carbohydrates, essential ...