Why Was David Considered To Be A “man After God's Own Heart”?

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Why was David considered to be a “man after God's own heart”?


David was remarkable for several reasons. First, he really cared about what God wanted. Its existence has become a blessing to God then, and even made a difference in the existence of God. Second, he was able to get others to realize the meaning of their lives fighting for the need of God, so they too can have an impact on the heart of God. It was because of David that God was able to accomplish what he wanted himself and for his people. David established a kingdom to God, won a city that was pleased to claim as his own, and has even started building the house of God. This prompted God to honor this shepherd Abraham at the same level. His descendants would pave the way for God to come in the flesh in the New Testament. Emmanuel, Jesus, the One who was anointed, despite all the generations passed, would be known as the Son of David. As Christ, Jesus is the builder of the house of God, the church, which is being the body of Christ and his expression is the height of all that is in the heart of God. Thus, the church today has a lot to do with the struggle of man to serve his own generation as a person according to God's heart. He allowed God to work it so that God could raise, through him, a builder "greater than Solomon and perfectly able to sit on the throne of the kingdom of God for eternity.

David: a man who served his generation as a person according to God's heart

One of the biggest names in the Bible is that of David, king of Israel. Many people are already aware of how David faced Goliath when his age was not that much and most of the people appreciated the Psalms he wrote. Psalm, 23, the most popular of the Bible was written by him. There were many serious sins committed by him. However, the apostle Paul told that David was a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22), and he did well in serving his own generation. Actually, Paul told people that David was the person who was almost distinctive in the history of mankind. David was the person who served his generation according to God's own heart. (Cochrane, pp. 67-92)

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