Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legal In The United States.

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Why marijuana should not be legal in the United States.

Should Marijuana be Legalized in United States


The advancement of marijuana as a innocuous drug that can be utilised to heal patients with various wellbeing matters is very misleading. Teenagers are utilising it more often now because of such advertisements since it is presume to be much better then fuming tobacco. The reality is that marijuana is very addictive and the marijuana commerce is dragging more people to try it by giving them untrue ideas. It rises wellbeing dangers and as diverse side effects that could last a lifetime. The concept that it is not addictive makes it more well liked amidst juvenile gatherings and presents them more cause to try it out. The foremost health risks encompass the development of infections like aids, cancer, glaucoma and many other wellbeing problems. Marijuana should not be legalized in Canada as it's use has commanded to advanced number of unhealthy Canadians initating diseases like AIDS, cancerous disease and Glaucoma by revealing them to higher health dangers that go along with the use of this pharmaceutical.

Cancer is a very widely known disease caused by cancer-causing substances and these can be found in higher percentages among marijuana users .The connections between smoking cigarettes and the risk of cancer is well known and established within the conscious of every American, including those who continue smoking with hopes for quitting "before it's too late." Tragically, smoking-related lung cancer is the second leading cause of death in America, and said death is not a painless one nor inexpensive to treat, for that issue The "Big C" is not brain affiliated with other types of widespread cancer, such as pancreatic or liver cancer, but no one other than lung cancer. Hundreds of thousands of persons pass away each year from lung cancer. Achemical discovered in tobacco smoking, benzopyrene, determinants genetic impairment in lung units that is identical to the impairment observed in the DNA of most malignant tumors of the lungs.

Glaucoma is commonly treated with marijuana, although it is not any more productive then the other pharmaceuticals and it brings along some grave side effects.Glaucoma is an eye infection usually affiliated with an increased fluid force inside the eyes, leading to vision decrease or even blindness. The most common form of the disease -- chronic, open-angle glaucoma -- is a premier cause of blindness in the Canada.

AIDS is an autoimmune deficiency infection, it happens with the dwindling of the immune system and marijuana rises the health dangers to the maximum


Marijuana has been utilised extensively as a health remedy for more than five thousand years. In the early 1900s, medical usage of marijuana began to decline with the advent of alternative drugs. Injectable opiates and synthetic pharmaceuticals such as aspirin and barbiturates began to replace marijuana as the physician's pharmaceutical of choice in the twentieth-century, as their outcomes proved to be more consistent than the sometimes erratic consequences of ...
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