Why Is Jerusalem So Dispute Among The Three Main Religions Of The World?

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Why is Jerusalem so dispute among the three main religions of the world?


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the issue that why is Jerusalem so the dispute among the three main religions of the world. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel since its establishment. Today, it is the administrative capital and modern, but also one of the oldest cities in the world and the ancient capital cities in the world. Jerusalem is the religious, spiritual and national of Jewish people throughout history and the Diaspora and is a holy city for Jews. This is a holy city for Christians and one of three holy cities for Muslims (Armstrong, 23). That created it, to Jerusalem, an wondrous place - both among the Jews, in Israel and abroad, and among different religions in the world.


Before about 3,000 years ago King David proclaimed as the capital, from political considerations and religious alike. Jerusalem, who was until his Jebusite city, was not in the domain of tribe tribes of Israel, which made it easy on him to rally around the children of Israel, without preference or another tribe. Because, according to Jewish tradition, the sacrifice of Isaac took place on Mount Moriah, is within the borders of Jerusalem - the city has religious significance. David brought the Ark of the Covenant to the city and made Jerusalem the religious center. As a result, Solomon chose instead to build the Temple (Blumberg, 23).

Throughout history, Jerusalem got conquered many times by diverse peoples, who ruled it for different periods. Twice destroyed the city and the Temple, and Jews got expelled from their country. Following the destruction and expulsion the Western Wall, remnant of the wall around the sanctuary, it is a sacred place for Jews. So Jerusalem was a symbol of Jewish consciousness yearning and the longing to return to Israel (Bartlett, 89). Jews throughout the Diaspora did not stop dreaming about her and pray for her.

It has, in Jerusalem, the holy places also to Christians and Muslims. For Christians - Jerusalem is the place where Jesus was crucified Messiah and; therefore, built in the course of history many churches (most important of which is the Holy Sepulcher, the burial place of Jesus). For Muslims, Jerusalem is the place where the founder of Islam Muhammad ascended to heaven, so many mosques got built. The fact that it is a Holy City of three religions throughout history led to tens of thousands of pilgrims visiting the holy places (Barthes, 23). The importance of Jerusalem as a holy and being a city of pilgrimage, got expressions in the concept, that existed in certain periods, that Jerusalem is the center of the world. Jerusalem became the capital of Israel and the establishment of Israel, in 1948. During the Revolutionary War, the city divided into two - the western part was under Israeli control while the eastern part, including the Old City was under Jordanian rule. It is the Six Day War (in 1967) that ...
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