Why Is It Easier To Operant Condition A Natural Behavior?

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Why is it easier to Operant Condition a Natural Behavior?


This research paper entails the operant conditioning which is the reasons for the motivation do the humans to respond to a particular outcome. This research paper tells us about the reason why these operand conditionings are important for the natural behaviors.

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Why is it easier to Operant Condition a Natural Behavior?


Operant learning is defined as the form of learning, whose occurrence is modified by the individual and leads to the formation of the behavior due to the consequences reinforced to the particular behavior. Operant conditioning deals with the voluntary behavior modification whereas the similar concept was presented know as classical condition or the respondent conditions, but they differ each other. The behavior operate, which is called operant, on the environment around the individual that results in the gain of substantial stimuli and avoidance of the stimuli that lead against the desirable behavior. On the other hand, classical condition deals with the reflex behavior that is obtained by antecedent conditions.

There are two components of operant conditions that are further sub divided in to positives and negatives. He first is the reinforcement, which is the any act that stimulates the increases the behavior. There are two types of reinforcements, positive reinforcement are the events and outcomes that are favorable which results after the certain behavior, it is further strengthening by the reward or appraisal attached to it, whereas the negative reinforcement is the alteration or removal of the events or outcomes that are not favorable resulting after the demonstration or performing of certain behavior. The punishment is the other component of operant conditioning, where the decrease is noted in the behavior leading to the unwanted outcome, supported by the removal of the unwanted and unpleasant act. The positive punishment leads to the punishing ...
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