Why Do Some Cultures Value Technology Differently?

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Why do some cultures value technology differently?

Why do some cultures value technology differently?

Every human society has, in one form or another, a cultural system. Organized sets of values and attitudes, customs and modes of behavior to define the lifestyle and the context in which men and women act, decide and resolve problems, provide for their needs food, clothing, shelter and procure goods and services they need. Every human society has its own culture, so that its members behave differently from all other members of some material respects. In addition, human societies are divided into regions very diverse geographical, whose climate and environment are very special '. It is also major differences between the various human communities ethnic, social and cultural as well as in terms of the economic situation. The purpose of my paper is to develop and investigate the concept why do some cultures value technology differently (Arnold, 1983).

The unique quality of the era we live in stems from the collective desires and dreams that we share. Our age is the age of mass culture. It is believed that any new technology which is introduced, in the market can change its forms and can undergo significant changes depending on the region of the world it is introduced. A common belief is shared by a majority of the population, and that is, technology does not stand a moral ground. These people believe that anything that is beyond any moral values can be used for anything, be it good or bad.

The question that arises here is that whether or not technology takes culture into consideration or can it be moulded according to the culture of the users it resides. If we consider technology to be a machine which operates on the principles of the work then, depending on positive nature of work, the response will inevitably be positive, but if we take into account, the minute errors that come with being a human can mould the results of that technology into something negative. Many people consider technology to be an integral part of life. The following aspects for technology have been described in Arnold Pacey's book "The Culture of Technology".

The organizational aspect, consisting of the activity of designers, engineers, consumers and labor unions.

The technical aspect which is a limited concept of technology that is to, say, knowledge, skill and know-how, tolls and machines.

The cultural aspect means goals, values and moral rules, belief in progress, affecting the creativity of designers

Pacey believes that the users of technology utilize it in its broad-spectrum concepts and sometimes in the narrow meaning of it. The traditional, values and culture are directly or indirectly altered when it viewed from the narrow window of its practicality. Conclusively it is believed that technology can influence cultural beliefs in many ways, and that is the main reason why technology is chosen to have the least impact on them. The question arises that how can us co-ordinate culture and technology as two discrete systems (Leslie, ...
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