Who Had It Better Women Of Past (1879) Or Women Of Today?

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Who had it better women of past (1879) or women of today?


The Movement female "modern" was born at the dawn of the struggle for equality and emancipation, immediately after the independence of the USA (1776) and the Revolution Française (1789) and other liberal-bourgeois revolutions raised as an objective the achievement of the central legal equality and the freedoms and rights politicians (Stopes 145).

Soon came the great contradiction that marc or the struggle of the first feminist: the freedoms, rights and legal equality had been the major achievements of the liberal revolutions did not affect women. "Rights of Man and Citizen "that proclaimed the French Revolution referred exclusively to" man "not to all human beings (Deslippe 119).

From that moment, in Europe and America West began a movement, feminism, who worked for equality for women and their release. During this period, the main objective of the women's movement was the realization of the right to vote.

The History tends to show social progress achieved by women as a result of progress itself up as the result of a process in which, in any case, women have played a role. In contrast, the reconstruction of history shows that women have achieved social gains only where and when there starring women working on these achievements. Have been the struggles of many women, we can now enjoy rights in the very near past were denied (Schlafly 101).

Women, like men, have opinions and attitudes, political and ideological diverse because they have very different interests, but as human beings have a common set of rights ranging from the right to work, to freedom of expression, to participate actively in politics, to study, the sex, and also earned rest after long hours of work, the right to leisure, cultural and recreational aspects.

1879-Gender Equality adopted by the Congress Worker

One hundred thirty years, the workers' congress in Marseiles, Hubertine Auclert threw the first bridge between feminism and socialism. A seminal event in a relationship then was to be characterized mainly by a long stagnation punctuated by sporadic outbreaks of regressions then (Friedan 78).

Auclert, which probably was the first militant French, claims to "feminist”, is delegated by an association she founded in 1876 and which has fifteen members' named as the Women's Rights. A year ago, the International Congress of women's rights, timorous, was forbidden to utter a speech at the podium for the right to vote. Disgusted, she asked to be listed as a speaker ... the workers' congress while being prepared, and had to devote a session to the issue of women. It expects Hubertine Auclert this foundation of the militant proletariat is an endorsement, support for ideas that, even within the feminist movement "official" are considered too advanced. Marseille will be on this plane, a real success.

Her entire speech is going to develop these ideas with arguments carefully chosen for its audience. How disapprove, for example, the autonomy of women's struggle, when delegates workers themselves, drawing the lesson betrayed revolutions of 1789 and 1848, decided just ...
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