What Do You Think About Abortion?

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What Do You Think About Abortion?

What Do You Think About Abortion?


An abortion is termed as death and expulsion of the fetus from the uterus before five months of pregnancy. After this date until 28 weeks of pregnancy it is called immature and premature delivery is if over 28 weeks. When pregnancy that occurs due to certain issues or complexity, it is known as miscarriage, and it comes under the umbrella of abortion that is spontaneous (Lewin, 2009). Abortion that is called therapeutic is done due to illness faced by the female during pregnancy while induced abortion for any other reason is known as selective abortion. Abortions have been around since the days of the Egyptians.

It has been an issue of controversy throughout history, and will probably continue to be as long as human life is in existences. My objective today is to provide you with facts and statics of abortion. Over the past thirty-eight years, women who want abortions can select where they want to have this procedure. Now, almost 90% of abortions in the U.S. provided during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.


“Abortion Should Not Be Allowed Except In extraordinary Cases”. Although, worldwide, a growing number of couples want fewer children, and though frequent sex are forged in circumstances where a child is perceived as undesirable, it often happens that no contraception is used. Difficult access to contraception, contraceptives of poor quality, fear of side effects: these are some of the many reasons that explain the phenomenon (Dagg, 2009). All methods have also a certain failure rate. Causing in all societies a number of unwanted pregnancies and some of the women concerned decide to interrupt. Their reasons - first because of health problems or social groups - are similar around the world. The Alan Guttmacher Institute in New York estimates the number of abortions worldwide at 42 million (in 2003 against 46 million in 1995); twenty million are performed illegally under hazardous conditions, in most countries development (Alan, 1999).

Where abortions are done in secret and by non-professionals, they endanger the lives and health of women. In 2004, WHO (World Health Organization) estimated that about 70,000 annual deaths due to abortions facts wrong. In some countries development, urban clinics, two out of three beds occupied by women with complications of botched abortions. For many people, "Abortion is both a denial of its own responsibility ...
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