What Do You Consider To Be The Cause Of Famine?

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What do you consider to be the cause of famine?

What do you consider to be the cause of famine?

Over 750 million people are starving in world today. Understanding what causes hunger and starvation on such the massive scale is vital not only to welfare of disadvantaged, but survival as people on this planet. Consensus varies as to why or how the population can go hungry, and how to remedy situation. There is disagreement on how to deal with famine originating from basic differences in fundamental concepts (or assumptions) of way world is or is expected to be in future. The many speculations of specific causes can be boiled down into three concepts that underlie solutions or conclusions to problem. (Muir 1992:26)

They are: man vs. his environment, environment vs. man, and man vs. man. The purpose here is to identify and compare these concepts within causes of hunger and evidence discussed, and to find best solution in preventing hunger. The final debate lies in how to direct the plan of action. Some choose to focus on prevention environmental reform, birth control; other's to combat social issues at hand corruption, bad policy, and warring nations. Through this discussion of famine and from evidence supporting concepts within, most relevant solution will be clear.

Famine is the condition of starvation from lack of proper nutrition that affects large numbers of impoverished people from underdeveloped or third-world countries or any place not considered the superpower. Conditions are bleak within this environment and poverty also prevails. Either economies have failed for various reasons, or wealth is unevenly distributed. Most of workforce is displaced; unable to produce the viable income from lack of resources, or they cannot compete in local or global markets. Some participate in local industry but do not make enough money to sustain themselves. (Sai 1994:27)

In some but not all of these impoverished areas, environment is polluted and arid. The earth is barren and unable to grow food. These people usually also live without medical care, proper clothing, or decent shelter. Disease is prevalent as sanitation is also poor. Children suffer greatly as improper nutrition leads to growth problems both physically and mentally.

All of developing nations with this problem of large-scale hunger are also currently at war or have recently been involved in the war. Certain African nations make up seventy-five percent of world's hungriest places, and are either warring with neighbors, allies of warring countries, or in civil war.

In general, environment within these hungry nations is bleak. The people face unimaginable hardships. This hunger is puzzling in today's world- the world of plentitude and wealth for many, contrasted so extremely by those with so little. (Yang 2008:10)

Methods of rescue and aid have made famine from natural disaster alone practically non-existent: The final idea that war, tyranny, neglect, genocide, violation of human rights and irresponsible governmental policies create conditions for poverty and hunger in world today are from concept of man ...
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