What Characteristics Do Sexual Offenders With A Learning Disability Have In Common?

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[What characteristics do Sexual Offenders with a Learning Disability have in common?]


Characteristics of Sexual Offenders with a Learning Disability-A Proposal

Research Topic

Characteristics of Sexual Offenders with a Learning Disability

Characteristics of Sex Offenders with Learning Disability

Characteristics of offenders with learning disabilities have been investigated in the series of studies. Distinctive aspects of psychometric properties have been explored, particularly in area of personality disorders, which generally supported previous work on personality and learning difficulties. This project examines the wide range of personality disorders in the forensic sample learning disability (n = 164), and are antisocial personality disorder in 22.1% of sample. Report also discusses important precautions associated with personality disorders application in studies of offenders with learning disabilities. Measures of empathy and theory of mind skills were greater offenders than non-offenders with learning difficulties, although authors recommend that this should not be emphasized in treatment of offenders. (Glaser and Deane, 1999) THE simulation test of memory (TOMM) was studied in the sample of offenders with learning disabilities and found to be useful for offenders with mild learning disability (IQ 50-70) with little risk of drawing conclusions false simulation. Locus of control was studied in three groups with learning disabilities, sex offenders who had undergone psychological treatment, sexual offenders with the history of treatment, not criminals. Results showed no significant differences in measures of locus of control among three groups. (Boer et al., 1995)

Emotional and behavioral problems were studied at different levels of safety of three forensic services. results showed higher rates of physical aggression, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem among inmates in high security units. Swedish homicide offenders with autistic features were compared with offenders with antisocial traits, and found to differ in the wide range of domains. Offenders with autism were less frequent intoxicated at time of crime and there were other methods of killing their victims (less use of knives or guns). Offenders with autistic features were born in Sweden, in contrast with other group, in which only 60% were born in Sweden. THE qualitative analysis examining perspective of offenders with learning disabilities in their own narrative using interpretative phenomenological analysis explored complexity of social factors, protection, and inherent in six male offenders with learning disabilities. (Abel et al., 1977)

Sex offenders with learning disability-An Analysis

The estimates of learning disability in the delinquent population vary. Nezu et al. (1998) reports that people with learning disabilities accounted for (including those with borderline learning disability) for about 40% of the total population of offenders in the United States. Australia proposes O'Connor (1997), that 10-15% of people who had committed sexual offenses of a mental disability and Hayes (2002) reports that sex offenders with disabilities under spiritually population is slightly higher than the general population. While there are differences in estimates is recognized that sexual offenses among persons with learning disability is a subject that must be addressed. (Boer et al., 1995)

There is a substantial research identify the characteristics of sex offenders with learning disability, which is useful in the identification of appropriate assessments have ...