Westover Electrical Inc.

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Westover Electrical Inc.

Westover Electrical Inc.


The study describes Westover Electrical, Inc., a production company that has over time given increasing problems in quality management. Before, however, been on the actual study, to clarify basic concepts and an entry will be given to the subject. Following are the open positions are discussed and presented tools for quality improvement.

Outline of Roger Gagnon's report

The main issues include;

Failure of operation management

Total quality control management

three machines that wound wire onto plastic cores to produce the primary and secondary electric motor windings

Quality and TQM

The Total Quality Management can help in this regard change processes in Winding Department in the Westover. The principles include the concept that everyone in the Westover is responsible for the quality of the products at his workplace (Agrawal 2006). In how far to put this into practice is questionable. Looking at the constant current declining real wages, you can just in low-wage sector do not require serious that the employee assumes responsibility for the quality of its activities. Ultimately, it means transferring the responsibility for all, nothing other than this no one. A responsibility can only be transferred to an employee if that motivates his workplace visits. This includes, however, that this is not too narrow pointed in his place. Self-organization concepts can help, motivation incentives, as part of a bonus system for quality assurance to build. Furthermore, the idea of ??Total Quality Management calls a zero-defect production.

Here, the employee shall strive to prevent errors. It is important in this context that the entire company, it also includes the areas that are primarily not in contact with the customer to align customer-oriented (Barfield 2004). An essential component is the close cooperation with customers and suppliers. As part of lean management takes the Total Quality Management has a special function. It aims both to the quality of cost and time associated with the avoidance of reducing errors, on the other, should be transferred to the employee a greater responsibility to be involved in the course of quality assurance. However, it is again important that employees are motivated.

Benchmarking in TQM

This applies both in relation to quality assurance and the other in relation to the acceptance of lean management information generated by organizational changes. Only if the employees accept the structural changes, the benchmarking concept may ultimately lead to success, since they must implement the changes (Chase 2006). Thus, when the lean management staff will be involved with the decision-making process, the hierarchy levels reduced and simplified the organizational processes. As with the Total Quality Management, the Westover refers not only to the production, but encompasses a holistic view of the business. Here, the bases of lean management are kept flexible and customer-oriented. Teams and working groups in all areas of the business put through the generated concepts.

The continuous improvement process is constantly set new goals. Deviations are analyzed, and measures to the effect set so that the goals can be achieved. This is the overarching goal of the zero-defect ...