Psychology prevalent among human beings needs to be assessed in detail which not only makes way for progress, but also creates a much stronger understanding and comprehension of the way humans work in the world today.
These days, with technology and changing surroundings of human beings, multiple degrees of problems and circumstances encircle human beings while living in this world. Added stress, work environment, physical conditions, food intake, dietary patterns, disease and immunity and longevity are altogether just the tip of the iceberg.
Understanding the realm of development for human beings not only changes the course of development that not only makes way for progress and development, but also establishes multiple understandings and teachings that have been excerpted in recent times in order to understand the conditions prevalent among human beings.
For this paper, our focus and concentration would imbibe within the frame of adulthood. The paper would give a detailed understanding and comprehension of what occurs in this particular phase of adulthood and the challenges that have been promoted in the field of adulthood.
Adulthood - Introduction and Assessment
Adulthood regards the middle phase where a human being moves out of the phase of adolescence and enters the realm of becoming an adult (Cook-Greuter, 2004). The age bracket defined for this particular individual starts at the age of 18 or 19, depending upon one's understanding and comprehension and then continues to spread across five (5) decades, ending at the age of 65.
At this point in time, the muscoskeletal system of a human being grows to be working at optimum efficiency (Maranz Henig, 2010). The individual becomes aware of the duties and responsibilities that are being experienced at this point in time and that which continues to make way for the challenges ...