Watson's Theory Of Human Caring

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Watson's Theory of Human Caring

Watson's Theory of Human Caring

Watson's Theory of Human Caring

In the mid-1970s, Jean Watson had put all her efforts to find a definition that can fit in all settings, whether it is the hospital, office, research, or clinic. She did not set out to begin a theory, but to put her ideas on paper about nursing and people in general. Her goal is to have nurses come together, regardless of specialty, and share a common definition that embraces science and philosophy perspective. This common motive is now known as caring-healing consciousness. There are 10 carative factors of care that Watson identifies in her theory.

Theory Concepts

Watson bases her theory of nursing on 10 carative factors:

Formation of humanistic-altruistic systems of values: This begins in early development and molded by life experiences, exposure, learning, and culture.

Development of faith and hope: The belief in spiritual being can assist in the healing process. The nurse can be authentic in enabling a patient to become more aware of his deep belief systems.

Sensitivity to self and others: The nurse is to be sensitive to others in a nurturing, healing way to facilitate healing and promote spirituality. Listening and understanding how the patient is feeling and why the patient are reacting to the moment the way they are will lead to a better understanding and empathy.

Helping-trust relationships: Develop a helping-trusting relationship by using congruence, warmth, and empathy.

Acceptance of feeling, both positive and negative: Accepting of others feelings can lead to understanding. Someone can accept someone's expression by audio, visual or intuition. The nurse also needs to be supportive of these feelings.

Problem-solving for decision making: This method permits control and self-correction. “Creatively using all ways of being, knowing, and caring as integral parts of the nursing process” (Sitzman, 2007, p. 9).

Interpersonal teaching-learning: Understanding the learning process and how someone perceives the teaching is crucial to the healing process. The nurse needs to understand both sides and be able to know when to alter teaching for better perception.

Support and protection of mental, physical, cultural, and spiritual environment: The nurse can manipulate internal and external factors to provide protection. Not only is the physical environment a factor but also energy levels, peace, and comfort.

Gratification of needs: Gratification of needs, based on Maslow's hierarchy to promote optimal health. Watson focuses on psychosocial, psychophysical, and biophysical needs. This is a conscious effort to satisfy the patients' needs in a caring manner.

Acceptance of existential-phenomological forces: The nurse uses phenomenological analysis by understanding the patient's frame of mind and how it is in reference. In other words, the nurse needs to view the situation through the patient's eyes to have a better understanding and be able to develop a relationship.

“Her theory is based on a form of humanism and has its origins in metaphysics (philosophy of being and knowing)” (MCance, 1999, p. 1389). These carative factors use a belief that all life interconnects and that the nurse can implements any or all of the carative factors in any ...
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