As define by the NASA Earth Observatory (n.d.) air pollution is “the existence in the air of substances in concentrations that are determined unacceptable.” Air pollution has two different types of sources which are natural and human. The natural sources of air pollution are also known as “biogenic sources.” (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2007) Some of the natural sources are volcanoes with emit gases to our atmosphere; lightening cases wildfires that emit gases and particles to the atmosphere, and even trees and vegetation emit pollen to our atmosphere. (EPA, 2007)Mitigation Plan 3Human activities are the major contribution to air pollution. As mentioned by the Algebra Lab (2003-2007) were they presented a chart with the air pollutants and the sources of it present in the U.S. with are shown below.
As we can observe and interpret the chart and graphic human's activities are the major contributions to the air pollution. Other than the activities mentioned above, there are some activities at home that contribute to air pollution issue. We have some household products that contribute to air pollution. As mentioned by S.K. Jindal (2007) some of the indoor pollutants are “numerous exhaust vapors, particulate matter, gases, organic chemicals, spores, allergens, micro-organisms and various other substances. Fuel combustion, tobacco smoking, air conditioning, building and construction materials, paints, consumer products, pet animals, plants and people” are the major contribution to air pollution.
Mitigation Plan for All these sources have some impacts on humans with effects their health. These air pollutants can cause short-terms and long-terms health effects. As mentioned by S.K. Jindal (2007) some of these health issues are asthma, reparatory infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and sick building syndrome. In addition, some of the human's organs can be affected by the long-term exposure to these pollutants. The liver, hart, brain, kidneys and some nerve can be affected until a point where will no longer function properly or even function at all. (Lawrence Barkley Laboratory, n.d.)Some other atmospheric problems related to air pollution are global warming and ozone depletion.
As mentioned by the Live Science (2007) “carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released by the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, agriculture, and other human activities, are believed to be the primary sources of the Global Warming.” Global warming has its on effects in our environment. As said by Simmons (2007) we resume the global warming effects into five deadly effects: “spreads of diseases, warmer waters and more hurricanes, increased probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves, economic consequences and polar ice melting.” (pp 1-5)Ozone the depletion is one of the effects in our environment cause by air pollution. As mentioned by the National Resource Defense Council (n.d.) ozone depletion is “the reduction of the protective layer of ozone in the upper atmosphere by chemical pollution.” This layer protects Earth from the ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun. As mentioned by Vagar M. Adhami,Mitigation Plan 5Deeba ...