Wasp III

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Wasp III


The background of Wasp III indicates its origination from a warfare need in order to control the combat as well as the strategic air control party Airmen. It was designed to carry equipment and devices that were needed for beyond the line of sight surveillance along with engaging the rival forces. After competing with a number of systems, manufacturer of the system AeroVironment was awarded the contract in the year 2006. The system's delivery was used initially to the Air Force of the United States in the year 2007, and now the system is also available with the Marine Corps of the United States of America as well as the Army (Randy Frank, pp. 1-3).Mission of Wasp III

The small unmanned Air Force's Wasp III aircraft system provides situational awareness in real time. It also provides target information to the Air Force and to the Special Operations Command Battle Field Airmen. The small unmanned air craft system used by the Air Force falls in the category of micro UAS.

Features of Wasp III

The features of Wasp III UAS' comprise of dispensable air plane vehicle, having a unit of ground control as well as communication with the ground stations. The unmanned aircraft is driven by a small motor which also generates the two propeller generator fixed inside the small, light weight air vehicle. The system of this plane can be used in two ways; the entire system from take-off till recovery can be done autonomously and the other way to control the plane is with the help of an operator by using a hand held remote control device.

The small aircraft system which is urbanized for the air force of the United States of America helps in the special operations that are able to provide beyond the line of sight awareness which is the situation. Wasp III aircraft system is fully equipped, it is a portable, rugged and reliable aerial specially designed for the day as well as night investigation and supervision. In order to provide real time intelligence it is equipped with two on board cameras for its operators. The aircraft also contains an inner system for navigation, which helps the aircraft to work autonomously from the time of take off till the revival.

This small unmanned aircraft system is designed by the Aero Vironment Inc. the aircraft in the year 2007 was added to the inventory of the air force. The creation of the plane is the result of a joint venture between Defence Advance Research Project Agency and AV.

This Aircraft has two Wasp modifications: one is the traditional aircraft version used only land to land, named as Terra Wasp. The other version is used from land to fresh water as well as sea, known as the Aqua Wasp.

Aero Vironment Inc

It is a technology company based in a California. The main involvement of the company is in the energy systems, unmanned aircrafts and electric vehicle system. The company is very well known for the inventions of vehicles running from solar power as well as light weight power of ...
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