War From 1618-1648

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War from 1618-1648

The Thirty Years War is certainly one of the major conflicts during the early modern European history. It consisted of a series of wars which covered the period from 1618-1648 throughout central Europe. During this thirty years phase, there was opponent's one hand, the House of Austria: the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperors Ferdinand II and Ferdinand III together with their Spanish cousin Philip IV. In this period, the Habsburgs were opposed by various opponents of House of Austria: the Danish, Dutch and, above all, France and Sweden. Although it had an international dimension but it was remembered as the German based war. The Thirty Years War also had a religious perspective because the war was fought among Catholics, Lutherans and Calvinists. However, these thirty years were very complex because of the numerous confrontations which included the army and politics factor. (Åberg, pp.121-132)

In Holy Roman Empire, the background of war was given an authorized identification. Rulers of Germany also tried to impose their religion during the war. However, the peace accord which was signed later on after the war could not provide a clear structure for decisions related to religion in Germany. There were different phases during the war which included various countries that participated in the war. (Benecke, pp.25-36)

Palatinate Phase (1618-1648)

This particular duration of war covered the period from 1621 to 1624. The ruler of Palatinate and some other Protestant rulers tried recapturing the Rhenish Palatinate from the Spanish and Catholic League. Dutch people supported the actions that battled Spaniards for independence for independence since 1568. It was quite obvious that the dispute had religious influence. (Cramer, pp.89-95)

Danish Phase (1618-1648)

This particular duration of war covered period from 1625 to 1630. There were various other countries' powers that resisted the Habsburgs and did not bear the developments in Germany. There was a league other powerful European nations to resist against the Habsburgs. There were some invasions by the Christians invaded, but they were beaten by the army of Catholic League and other forces which were quite influential. Therefore, in this particular phase as well, there was some religious element in the dispute. (Gutmann, pp.34-45)

Swedish Phase (1618-1648)

This particular duration of the war covered the period from 1630 through 1634. There was some concern because of the growing power, so Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden attacked northern Germany to occupy this country. However, he was not given a warm welcome by his ...
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