Walter Mosley

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Walter Mosley


Walter Mosley (born January 12, 1952 in Los Angeles) is a writer, known for his novels. His work is the most popular series introduces private detective Easy Rawlins. Walter Mosley has written twenty books in a variety of genres, including essays, science fiction or detective novels translated into 21 languages. Two of his books have become feature films or television. His fame grew in the United States in 1992 when Bill Clinton, a lover of mystery novels, appointed Mosley as one of his favorite authors. The hero recurring work of Walter Mosley is a black private detective, a veteran of World War II living in the black neighborhood of Watts in Los Angeles in the 1950s, Ezekiel (Easy) Rawlins. This series is the portrait of segregationist America of the 1950s and 1960s. Mosley proposes a re-developed Manichaeism and without the atmosphere of the time. He makes his hero an endearing character detective despite himself suffering often the events but never fooled the world around him.


Walter is the only child of Leroy Mosley, an African American, and Ella, of Jewish origin. Although born in South Los Angeles, the environment of Rawlins detective novels, he moved to Vermont to graduate from the Johnson State College. In the early 80's began working in the city of New York as a computer programmer and developed his passion for creative writing, following a course at City College in that city. He currently combines his literary work with the kinds of English Language and Literature at New York University.

Literary Career

In just ten years he had written his first novel in the Easy Rawlins series, "The devil wore blue" and the praise of former President Clinton to his novel catapulted him to popularity and definitely opened doors in Hollywood in an irregular film adaptation in 1995. This crime series currently extends to over 11 novels with the publication of the final in Spain in 2009, Blonde dangerous. However, his work is not confined to the novel. In his 30 year career has written nearly 30 books, from other detective series starring as Socrates Fortlow, a former prisoner put to philosophical detective after almost 30 years in prison serving a sentence for a double homicide. Also, Mosley has cultivated other genres like science fiction novel or essay. The most important literary prize of his career is the O'Henry Award in 1996.

The Easy Rawlins Series

The cycle Ezekiel Rawlins starring a veteran of World War II is installed in Los Angeles in the late 40's to escape the ghosts of war and the ghosts of his Texas home interiors - see fishing novel -. They survive by the most diverse tasks, some of them bordering on illegality, in full swing ghettos where they begin to set up South and Central American mass announcing the future racial outburst. By the look tough and skeptical of the parade Easy "fauna" more varied: from usual suspects usual moral corruption, political and financial. The only thing that separates them is the color of ...
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