Traffic overhead and voice compression in VoIP applications for end to end Quality of Service
Traffic overhead and voice compression in VoIP applications for end to end Quality of Service
Brief Summary of the proposal
The proposal discusses the concerns related to traffic overhead and voice compression in VoIP applications for end to end quality of service.
The research is all about VoIP applications. VoIP has the potential to revolutionize telephone communications. The trend toward voice communications over the Internet is mainly fuelled by the salient advantages Internet telephony offers. VoIP opens up exciting possibilities for users. In particular, it paved the way for monetary savings. (Zheng, 2002) One of the most active areas of telecommunications today is in the area of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). The logic behind this trend makes perfect sense. If we have invested heavily in an Internet Protocol (IP) network, why can't we make full use of it? This is a question posed by many managers and Information Technology (IT) professionals in a wide range of businesses.
Many businesses would prefer to have one network in and out of their business for reasons ranging from cost effectiveness to manageability. IP telephony offers a promise of consolidation. This will allow an enterprise to converge its traditional phone system and newer data network for greater efficiency. Basically, IP telephony is taking the telecom world by storm. Moreover, a significant amount of money can be saved on the monthly phone service considering that IP telephony service is less expensive than the traditional phone service. In addition, VoIP offers service flexibility since there are no dependencies between the application and the underlying network. (Moon, 2005) VoIP users can already enjoy a variety of features, which they previously had to pay for, for free. Some of these features are voicemail, caller ID, call conferencing, call waiting and call forwarding. This kind of users can also enjoy some new features like e-mailed voicemail and the easy management of contacts. (Takahashi, 2004) To put it simply, VoIP means Voice over Internet Protocol. It's a technology that allows network managers to route phone call over the network they use for data transmission. A voice travels over a corporate Intranet or the Internet instead of the public telephone system. Special gateways installed at both the sending and receiving end of a communications channel converts voice to IP packets and back again to voice.
The problem will be addressed keeping in view the factor that With this much money and revenue at stake, local and state governments, which derive millions of dollars from taxing voice carriers, are also taking notice of this emerging, unregulated threat. As with all technologies and advances, the bottom line is the dollar. These are just a few of the many issues facing global adoption of VoIP.
This process must take place in a time frame of less than 100 milliseconds to sustain the Quality of Service (QoS) that users are accustomed to from the Public Switched Telephone Network ...