Voice Control Gps

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Voice Control GPS

Voice Control GPS


The advancement in technology has shifted consumer's basic need of transportation in to a more complex need. The consumer want to have a number of features attached to his vehicle that ensure safety, convenience and that can be easily operated. A GPS consist of all the described features and comprises of a space segment, a control segment and a user segment (Yao, 2002). Four satellites are simultaneously used to locate the precise position of the receiver on the earth. When a GPS is installed in a car it can facilitate the driver to travel through best routes acting upon the target destination. This is exhibited by a monitor in the car that shows the relevant position in the map. Since GPS technology is advancing at a very fast rate, new models are being developed every year including the GPS auto installed voice recognition. But it is important to find out what the consumers want. Do they want an auto installed GPS or want an option of voice recognition separately?


Selecting a navigation system is a very difficult task. A mobile phone can be used as a navigator but they can not give timely audible directions. However, a real time GPS navigation system solves this problem. There are 3 options for GPS (Deaton, 2009); a factory or dealer installed system or a portable system. Factory installed navigation system is installed as original equipment on the vehicle similar to a radio or seatbelt. Consumers opt for this system as it is part of the dashboard and can easily be controlled without the hassle of any remote control. However, customers have reported too have problems of outdated maps stored on CD or DVDs. Additionally, there is a high cost attached to this system and can not be moved in case ...