Vladmir Nabokov's “lolita”

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Vladmir Nabokov's “Lolita”

Thesis Statement

The purpose of this thesis is to do a critical analysis on Vladmir Nabokov's “Loloita” and the other love novels. The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss the love impact in the poetry.

Lolita (1955) is a innovative by Vladimir Nabokov, first in writing in English and released in 1955 in Paris, subsequent converted by the scribe into Russian and released in 1958 in New York.


It is a tragic love article, a paean to America, a sordid tale humanized, a work of comic genius. Most of all it is Nabokov's writing: artfully home made the publication is a great delight to read (and re-read as is essential to uncover some of its secrets). "Humbert starts his manuscript expressing his passion and love for "Lolita, lightweight of my life, blaze of my loins. My sin, my soul". Standing four feet 10 in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dashed line. But in my arms she was habitually Lolita? (Nabokov pp 9). Nabokov's feature then proceeds on to recount his childhood and his adolescent connection with the? Girl-child, Annabel, who he mentioned to as the "precursor" to Lolita (Lolita, 168). Of Humbert's meet with Annabel, Nabokov composes that she would "let me feed on her open mouth, while with a generosity that was prepared to offer her everything, my heart, my throat, my entrails, I provided her to contain in her inapt fist the scepter of my passion" (Nabokov, 15).

Similarly Eric in his publication “Art of loving” recounted love as Love is care, blame, respect, and knowledge. You will not love certain thing you do not care about, and you will not love somebody without understanding that they are (Fromm, 34). On one hand erotic love could be ...
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