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Virtual Reality in Medicine

Virtual Reality in Medicine


Almost since its introduction, computers have become a part of the diagnostic and therapeutic arsenal of the modern physician as well as with the advent of personal computers in basic everyday tools of the office. This virtual reality, the youngest daughter of the computer in various medical disciplines, is one of most useful and advance technology to deal with many medical problems. In 1994, the chief surgeon Walter Reed Medical Center, U.S. Army Col. Richard Satava boldly predicted that the future of medicine, stating: "Today we are in the middle stages of a fundamental transformation of medical practice, made possible by the information revolution" (Kunochan, 2007). And of the many concepts of the new information era, he said virtual reality (VR) as the most promising. Virtual reality is the use of computers to create a simulated environment that has an illusion of reality and immerses you in the experience” (Bowles, 2010). People generally associate virtual reality with exciting 3-D movies and video games. However, more amazing are the advances in medicine. These vast research and broad applications are proving to be successful, opening doors for many doctors and patients. In this paper, we will discuss virtual reality (VR) in medicine, its application and future of the technology.


According to the report of the Institute of Medicine, "To err is human" every year as a result of errors of doctors in the U.S. alone kill 10 thousand patients. Proponents of virtual reality in medicine are convinced that new technology will improve this grim statistic. It is time to unite for the formation of digital images, electronic databases, network solutions and methods of conducting surgical operations. At the same time, there is a need to get "real" virtual world the graphics device with high resolution. Necessary to reproduce the properties of bodies (their deformation during the development or kinematics of joints) and their response to intervention (bleeding arteries or the appearance of bile in the gall bladder surgery), as well as interaction between objects (For example, surgical instruments and operated by the agency). Finally, we need feedback, which characterizes the tactile sensation and promote efforts.

In 1989, the techniques of virtual reality made the first laparoscopic surgery for gall bladder. Operation by entering through a small incision in the body of a miniature camera for playback on your monitor patient's body and subsequent surgery with tools, fed through a small incision in the body. Prototypes VR training systems introduced in the early 90s, and today the market is already submitted and commercial devices. Nevertheless, in the U.S. only 1% of future doctors can use the advantages of such training (Kunochan, 2007).

In recent years, computer graphics has had an impact on large-scale technology in general. This was particularly interesting to many medical disciplines, because its application has resulted in very significant progress in a vital area for all of these as it is diagnosed through the display (known in medical jargon as ...
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