Virgin Airlines Use Of Information Technology name Of Writer Nam

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Virgin Airlines use of Information Technology

[Name of Instructor]

[Date of Submission]

Table of Contents


Use of Information Technology by Virgin Airlines1

World's best check-in Service2

Use of Cookies3

Intranet and Extranet Systems4



Virgin Airlines use of Information Technology


The entire business world has been revolutionized because of the Information Communication Technologies that have been evolved in the 21st century. The Airline industry specifically has become greatly dependent on the Information Technology so as to gain competitive edge and smoothly runs their operational and strategic management. The internet technology has been used by number of airlines for the purpose of enhancing its distribution strategy and thus reduces costs, ensuring help from both internal and external systems. Virgin Airlines, a major player of the Airline Industry has made a substantial use of the technological advancements. This assignment is written with an objective to identify the extent to which the Virgin Airlines has effectively used information technologies to support its business and management activities.

Use of Information Technology by Virgin Airlines

Virgin Airlines basically serve as an umbrella to cover number of airways including Virgin Atlantic Airways, Virgin Australia Holdings, Virgin America, Virgin Nigeria, Virgin Balloon Flights, and Virgin Express etc. With the help of Information Technology, Virgin Airlines has generated fundamental changes in the application of technical expertise in their business. The most powerful tool that is used by the Airlines is the Informational Communication Technologies (ICTs). This tool has provided a platform to the Airlines industry players to strengthen their competitiveness (Porter, 1985, pp.60-70).

World's best check-in Service

In order to understand the role of information technology in supporting the business and management activities of Virgin Airlines, Virgin Atlantic provides a remarkable example. Virgin Atlantics is considered as one of the world's leading long haul airlines that have introduced a New Upper Class Wing in the year 2007 by making an exemplary use of the cutting edge technology (Mousetrap Media Ltd., 2008). With the initiation of this new wing, the Airlines provided its upper class passengers with an opportunity of the world's fastest check-in service.

This world-beating check-in service is made possible with the help of partnership that was formed between NIIT Technologies and Virgin Atlantic according to which NIIT Ltd. Was supposed to provide custom-built technologies at the new wing that has been created by the Airlines. This partnership has made it possible for the Virgin Airlines to design software that will link the customer details with the flight ...
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