Victims Of Crimes

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Victims of Crimes

Victims of Crimes


Crime is a lot of social problems that are best considered together, but usually it is not. A short list would include criminal damage, fear of crime, victimization, and side effects. The meanings of the first three are obvious. For the "side effects" I mean the deliberate or accidental impact of crime and punishment of offenders, victims and their families, their immediate communities and society as a whole (MacCoun, 2001).

Effects of crime prevention is worth a good thing, but sold at a high cost of state resources and human suffering and a lot of unintended and undesirable consequences. Many of them have collateral, such as the psychological impact on children whose mothers are in prison or the effects of family living income loss of a parent in prison. Some of them are direct, such as injury to several people in jail, and people who work there as guards and in other roles. Some indirect, such as public goods, lost, for example, the state spends on prison operations, but not in higher education (Rennison, 2002).


Many crimes are not reported to police, often because they are not serious or because the victims feel the police cannot do anything about it. Some of the crimes reported to police, but did not enter the data from the FBI, as police reports, sometimes because they believe the crime was committed, sometimes, because I do not think he was serious, and sometimes on grounds of inefficiency or official policy (MacCoun, 2001).

Many events that people believe crime victimization is never reported to police. More importantly, though, is that many crimes are not easily identifiable victims. This applies not only to white-collar crimes and organized, but also for drugs, many of the "moral" crimes (prostitution, gambling and pornography), traffic violations, and vandalism. These actions are defined as crimes, because lawmakers believe that damage the community. In addition, companies are victims of property crimes, including robbery, burglary, and theft. Victims do not have any of these categories of crime measured by victim surveys (Albrecht, 2001.

Damage caused by violent crime, and, therefore, why always taken seriously, is obvious. In order to cause or threaten to cause death, pain, or rape and the negative consequences for their victims, and the vicarious suffering of road victims.

Damage caused by crimes against property is sometimes uncertain. Many commercial losses from theft or theft of others are considered costs of doing business and reflected in prices. The businesses in which has fewer burglaries, as expected, in the sense that receive windfall. He made the customers pay more than they otherwise would have suffered losses due to theft was not overstated. A private person can claim the insured property loss in the robbery (Clear, 2001).

Crime victims are not equally distributed. In English speaking countries, men are increasingly becoming victims of crime than women, blacks than whites, Latinos and Hispanics, non-, and residents of urban slum-dwellers and people living in small towns and ...
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