Victims' Satisfaction with the Criminal Justice System3
Attitudes of YMBs on the support program4
YMBs as Violence Victims due to Ethnicity4
Procedural Justice6
Victim-Centered Policies and Programs8
Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis10
Qualitative Research12
The trends of crime are measured by the numbers of persons who are convicted in criminal courts. These trends were measured by evaluating the number of crimes as recorded by the police. People surveys also measured the trends of the general population who are associated with the level of victimization. The data, which is retrieved, from the surveys shows that there is frequent increase in the occurrence of victimization which involves injury, trauma and loss. Crime victimization determines the level of adult citizens who are subject to crime each year (Xie, David, 2008, p. 809). The survey also helps in providing data about the victims who report to the police. It determines whether they are helped by the support agencies and the attitudes they have in response to the criminal justice policies. The survey also provides information about comparing the police methods used in criminal justice and the criminal codes which are applied. They are used by the European Union, UN and other bodies which are helpful in police records.
The crime victimization survey provides a great help in analyzing the factors which are associated with the increase of crime activities and they provide a cost effective way of measuring crime which is faced by the Black males. They comprise of a diverse culture and are differentiated according to it. They have been victims of crime since past times as the survey shows that in 2000 more than 40,000 black males were surveyed who demonstrated the affects of crime on them and the measures which are effective in controlling the crime rate.
Research Question
This research aims to answer the following questions:
What is the government policies followed for YBMs as victims of crime?
What is the attitude of YBMs as victims of crime regarding the support system?
What is the support program for YBMs as victims of crime?
Government policy centre's for victims of crime
The Victims of Crime Act was launched in 1986 which was considered as the law which provides information about the support, rights and the compensation provided to the victims of crime. The funding for this crime is calculated from the fines which are imposed in the companies who violate the criminal law. It was reported in 2000 that there were 27000 young black crime victims (YBMs) who have been interested in participating for criminal justice, compensation, assistance and restitution. It has been reported that only 38 million of YMBs receive the counseling, financial assistance, mental health counseling and information within the requirements of criminal justice system. The state is considered very weak in some cases as YMBs are unable to receive the rights which they require and are promised (Xie, 2006, ...