Vegetarian Diet

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Does A Vegetarian Diet Decrease Health Risks?

Does A Vegetarian Diet Decrease Health Risks?

Vegetarianism, a Diet as Possible

A vegetarian diet is defined as one that does not include meat (even poultry) or fish or shellfish, or products containing them. Appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including vegetarian or vegan diet completely, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and can provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. The well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood and adolescence, as well as athletes.

A review based on scientific evidence showed that vegetarian diets can be nutritionally adequate in pregnancy and that are positive both for maternal health to the baby. The results of an evidence-based review indicated that a vegetarian diet is associated with a lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease. Vegetarians also appear to have lower levels of cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and lower rates of hypertension and type 2 diabetes that non-vegetarian population. In addition, vegetarians tend to have a body mass index lower and lower rates of cancer combined (Sabate, 2003).

The characteristics of a vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of chronic diseases at the lowest intake of saturated fat and cholesterol and higher intakes of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, soy products, fiber and phyt chemicals.

Vegetarianism is set each day as a diet as possible and above all very beneficial. Large numbers of people with infectious enthusiasm make this healthy lifestyle, which spreads around the world.

There are several kinds of diets themselves or improperly called vegetarian, the most common type semi vegetarians really is a diet, which excludes red meat but allowed other foods of animal origin such as meat poultry, fish, milk and eggs in the diet. Vegan diet excludes all sort of food of animal origin. From the point of view of nutrition, these differences are important because the intake of nutrients and potential differences vary greatly from case to case.

Advantage Does Being Vegetarian

Some are vegetarians for religious reasons, or because they find to eat should not kill animals, others think that the vegetarian diet is healthier not only the body but also the spiritual benefits. But there are many people who adopt vegetarianism because they believe that simply promote their health.

From this latter point of view, the vegetarian diet has many aspects in its favor: generally contains less fat, calories and sugars that common feeding, however, is abundant in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and cereals which are also rich in fiber and low-sodium, all of which is certainly what today nutritionists' advice (Nieman, 1999).

Since the exclusion of all or part of food of animal origin restricts the sources of nutrients, vegetarian diets, strict or moderate, requires careful planning to reduce their potential risks and take advantage of its undeniable advantages. Usually health problems related to vegetarianism refer to insufficient calories and nutrients (to feed the inverse of the common), which can be a serious problem in pregnant women, infants and ...
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