Vegetable Garden

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Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Garden

Gardening is one of the most rewarding and absorbing work a person can undertake. The art of planning a garden is as equally hard as it is to decide what to plant and with how much quantity and how to do it. It could be done long before the season has arrived. For some people it is extremely fascinating to go through seed and vegetables catalogues by devoting their leisure time to it. (Foster, 1996)

How to start with a vegetable garden

Selection of vegetables

Selection of correct vegetables is very important. Try to choose those vegetables for plantation which you personally love to eat. One can also go with the idea of planting a vegetable which they seldom purchase may be because of its higher cost or scarce availability. One can also stick to the idea of planting the vegetables which has majority of consumption. One should grow those vegetables which he/she enjoy eating. Try to give priority to those which have tremendous flavor when they are eaten fresh for example tomatoes, beans, peas, spinach, sweet corns etc.

Preparing a plot

Select a plot of ground which receives the sunlight with appropriate proportion and during the whole day. And you should keep in mind that the soil should be fertile and well drained. Gravel beds, hardpan, deep sand, hard shale or rock ledges under the surface might make it difficult to develop a good garden soil. You can also make use of infertile soil by using lime, commercial fertilizer, organic matter and other soil improving materials. There is little left besides plowing the fertilizers and additional organic material if the garden has been used for cultivation earlier. (Bartholomew, 1998)

Now we should consider the fact that different vegetables have a verity of acidity requirement in the soil so we should adjust the acidity accordingly. A soil having pH level lower than 7.0 has a higher level of acidity and the one having Ph level higher is considered as alkaline. This pH level gives you an idea about what steps should be taken while cultivation and plantation. Break the soil and then add the required amount of organic matter.

Space analysis

Try to analyze how much space you require in order to grow your vegetables and then plant accordingly. For example, Lettuce can be planted in a solid mat whereas the tomatoes require more space around 2 feet apart. Comparatively a pumpkin would ...
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