Center of Medicare and Medical aid Services is always shows their leadership skills in the field of providing and ensuring quality service of healthcare in hospitals all over the United States. It implements and moves towards a very effective approach of value based purchasing in order to provide quality healthcare service to their patients. This research paper discussed the condition which make the CMS to implement and use this approach of value based purchasing. This condition is the condition of bad healthcare service in hospitals all over the United States.
This research paper also deals with the explanation of this healthcare service problem. It also includes the problems and issues that have faced by a surveyor when conducting survey for accreditation of hospital on the issue of bad healthcare condition in hospitals. It also describes the legal implications that may be faced by the healthcare system or hospital if the surveyor conducting survey from patients transfer knowledge about this condition to the patient or their family in a negative way. In the end of this research paper, some techniques are discussed that helps in continuous improvement in this condition of healthcare.
Value Purchasing program Surgical Site
What is the importance of value based purchasing approach in the healthcare industry in improving the quality of services provided to the patients? The concept of value-based health care purchasing is that buyers should hold providers of health care accountable for both cost and quality of care. Value-based purchasing brings together information on the quality of health care, including patient outcomes and health status, with data on the dollar outlays going towards health. It focuses on managing the use of the health care system to reduce inappropriate care and to identify and reward the best-performing providers. This strategy can be contrasted with more limited efforts to negotiate price discounts, which reduce costs but do little to ensure that quality of care is improved (Galvin, 2005; Porter, 2006).
This strategy is also very effective and efficient in improving the quality of healthcare service provided in the hospitals as it is effective in reducing the losses. The reason of this quality improvement of healthcare service is that healthcare service mainly depends on the drugs and products purchase from market or other consumers. If the quality of these products and drugs is increased, then automatically the quality of service increased. It allows the hospitals to make their consumers accountable to them for any low quality product or drug. It also allows the hospitals to monitor the process of purchasing very effectively which is not possible without implementing this system.
Hospital acquired conditions
What is meant by the term “hospital acquired condition”?
The term “hospital acquired condition” refers to the fact or an undesired situation faced by the patient during their stay or treatment in the hospital. It is a term that is used by the Medicare authorities that demands changing in the management of such hospitals or Medicare units that shows deficiency in meeting ...