Uss Maine

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USS Maine


The aim of this paper is to discuss the history of USS Maine the second class battle ship of the United States of America. The history of USS Maine is very important because it makes the link with the Spanish American war. This paper will further discuss the qualities of the USS Maine which differentiate it from other battleships of different countries. The paper will also give us the reasons of the sunk of the battleship and thoughts of different historians who belong to different school of thought. We will further discusses the colonial issues of Spain and role played by the united states of America in resolving colonial issues of Spain and helping other small states by helping them in allocating their rights. We will also shed lights on the link between the USS Maine sunk and war with Spain. This paper will also discuss how Spain loses its colonies and what results occur after these colonies get independence. We will also focus on what benefit did united states of America gets by helping Cuba and other small colonies. As far as war is concerned, we will also discuss how the army of the united states of America fought with the Spanish militants and what is the main reason of that death occurs of majority if the United states militants. This paper will further discuss what changes occurred after colonies get independence from the brutal Spanish rules.





History of USS Mine4

Cuba Revolt5

Role of United States of America in Cuba revolt6

Destruction of USS Maine6

Inquiry commission's report7

Spanish-American war 18988

Post end war Situation9


End Notes12

USS Maine


USS Maine, USA's second class battleship was built by the US navy at the New York Navy Yard in 1895. It was specially designed for the US navy in order to defeat their enemies. The total weight of the battleship is around 6,682 tons. It was considered as unbreakable armed cruiser. The engine used in the battleship was twin screw vertical inverted triple expansion engine which was manufactured by Quinter Iron Works; this engine generates about 9000 horse power. The maximum speed of the ship was 15 knots with having a coal bunker capacity of 896 tons. The ship was first visited to the Havana harbor to rescue US civilians due to some tensions in Cuba with Spain in 1898. It was sunk during his stay at the harbor with almost two hundred and twenty five crew members. The investigation done by the US navy at Havana harbor resulted that there was an explosion in the ship which resulted in sunk. After it's sunk, the US president McKinley ordered its navy to defend Cuba and help them in giving their rights. Due to this Spain declare the war with the US on 23rd April.


History of USS Mine

USS Maine was the second battleship of U.S. navy which was constructed at the New York Navy yard. The ship was built in reply of Riachuelo a Brazilian battleship and also to strengthen the sea force of the ...
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