In this paragraph author discussed about the conveyed USO stationery and pencils and pens. They conveyed Sterno, security pins, journey flares, pointer flares, spools of cable, razor cutting-edges, masticating tobacco, liberated joss twigs and statuettes of the grinning Buddha, candles, grease pencils, The Stars and Stripes, fingernail clippers, Psy Ops leaflets, wilderness hats, bolos, and much more. Twice a week, when the resupply choppers came in, they conveyed warm chow in green mermite containers and large canvas sacks topped up with frozen beer and soda pop.
It may analyse that conveyed artificial water containers, each with a two-gallon capacity. Mitchell Sanders conveyed a set of starched tiger fatigues for exceptional occasions. Henry Dobbins conveyed Black Flag insecticide. Dave Jensen conveyed empty sandbags that could be topped up at evening for supplemented protection. Lee Strunk conveyed tanning lotion. Some things they conveyed in common. Taking turns, they conveyed the large-scale PRC-77 scrambler wireless, which weighed 30 pounds with its battery. They distributed the heaviness of memory. They took up what other ones could no longer bear. Often, they conveyed each other, the hurt or weak. They conveyed infections. They conveyed chess groups, basketballs, Vietnamese-English dictionaries, insignia of rank. Bronze Stars and Purple Hearts, artificial cards imprinted with the Code of Conduct. They conveyed infections, amidst them malaria and dysentery. They conveyed lice and ringworm and leeches and paddy algae and diverse rots and molds. They conveyed the land itself - Vietnam, the location, the dirt in the paragraph we analyse that the powdery orange-red dirt that enclosed their boots and fatigues and faces. They conveyed the sky. The entire air, they conveyed it, the humidity, the monsoons, the stink of fungus and breakdown, all of it, they conveyed gravity. They moved like mules. By daylight they took sniper blaze, at evening they were mortared, but it was not assault, it was just the endless stride, town to town, without reason, not anything won or lost. They marched for the sake of the march. They plodded along gradually, dumbly, inclining ahead against the heat, unthinking, all body-fluid and skeletal part, easy grunts, soldiering with their legs, toiling up the high grounds and down into the paddies and over the streams and up afresh and down, just humping, one step and then the next and then another, but no volition, no will, because it was self-acting, it was anatomy, and the conflict was solely a issue of posture and carriage, the hump was everything, a kind of inertia, a kind of emptiness, a dullness of yearn and intellect and conscience and wish and human sensibility. Their values were in their feet. Their computed outcomes were biological. They had no sense of scheme or mission. By analysing this I found that the villages without understanding what to gaze for, not nurturing, booting over jars of rice, frisking young children and vintage men, blowing tunnels, occasionally setting blazes and occasionally not, then forming up and going on to the next town, ...