Using Meat And Vegetable As Diet

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"Human beings do not need to eat meat in order to maintain good health because they can get all their food needs from meatless products and meatless substances. A vegetarian diet is as healthy as a diet containing meat."


In this study we try to explore the concept of the eating patterns in daily life in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on meat lovers and vegetarians. The research also analyzes many aspects of literature available previously. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible in healthcare issues relating to eating patterns. This essay is based on the arguments for and against meat advantages and disadvantages.

Human beings do not need to eat meat in order to maintain good health because they can get all their food needs from meatless products and meatless substances. A vegetarian diet is as healthy as a diet containing meat


Eating patterns have altered considerably in today's dynamic society and in order to win market share, international food manufacturers and retailers are wooing customers with an abundance of new products (Marshall, 1995). A clear trend has been the development of vegetarian food products. However, this part is not only measured in the direction of buyers who do not eat meat from management, but now encompasses a growing variety of meat products direct replacement. These are aimed in the direction of an increasing number of buyers who are reducing their use beef for several reasons, which includes their views on healthy eating, weight decrease, lesson topics, ecological anxieties and, of course, the last bout of food scares related to meat and various partners. (Robert, 2007)

The consumption of food is necessary to maintain life. A balanced diet is one that includes sufficient quantities foods with carbohydrates for energy, meats for proteins, calcium such as milk for bones, vegetables and fruits for minerals and vitamins. A balanced diet is one that supplies healthy foods in appropriate quantities.(Mikielle, 2007)

A casual, unplanned eating of whatever someone wants without regard to portions or to calorie expenditures is a diet that likely includes too much food or that is unbalanced can have negative consequences. One of these is that overeating can cause weight gains. While full weight is a sign of good health, it is possible for a person with an unbalanced diet to be at their full weight and still be less than the best of health. This can happened because an unbalanced diet can cause weight and poor health at the same time. An unbalanced diet can even allow the eater to be anemic or to suffer from of kinds of conditions. One of these is weight gains and obesity that require the restoration of a diet that will eliminate the excess weight. This type of diet, a nutrition plan, to achieve goal such as a weight gain or weight loss are called dieting.

Dieting is the ingesting of food in a regular planned manner to reach a particular weight ...
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