Using a Social Capital Theoretical Framework to Address Individual and Institutional Capacity for Diversity in Science and Medicine
Educationally Disadvantaged Student Populations11
Underrepresented Students and Higher Education14
Benefits of Undergraduate Research18
The Impact of STEM Educational Interventions27
Social Capital35
Social Capital and Mentoring in Medicine47
Researchers have long considered the role of social thoughts and beliefs in the lack of participation in science and technology fields, and sought methods to increase awareness of the challenges that arise from such low participation. Without this awareness, cognitive abilities and behaviors of U.S. students in mathematics and science may continue to decline and lead to generations where larger percentages of students have little to no motivation in science.
Research indicates that, low participation and performance in science, technology, engineering and mathematics has become an increasingly severe issue for underrepresented minorities, including African-, Hispanic-, and Native-Americans, Alaskan citizens, and Native Pacific Islanders. Though Hispanics, African Americans, and Native Americans represent, respectively, 15%, 13% and 1 % of the U.S. population, these groups are disproportionally underrepresented in their attainment of STEM bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degrees and in their participation in the STEM workforce. Specifically, Hispanics and African Americans hold only 3.4% and 4.4% respectively, of science and engineering jobs.
Similar statistics abound in education, where the number of STEM doctoral degrees awarded in 2005 to underrepresented groups combined is less than 10% of all degrees awarded. In response to these alarming statistics, a number of initiatives now work to increase participation among underrepresented populations, to address resulting social equity problems along with the overall problem of low participation and performance by U.S. citizens.
The particular form of social capital to be examined is knowledge needed to navigate the pathway for science and medicine careers. The outcomes of these three initiatives known as 1) E-matching 2) achieving Successful Productive Academic Research Careers (SPARC) and 3) Mentoring in Medicine will be examined as part of three manuscripts.
The six parts of this dissertation explain the ways in which learning occurs in a social context, why embracing this learning is crucial as America progresses through the 21st century, and provides an apparatus through mentoring, for teaching children in this social manner to help them grow and be competitive in the global job market. Additionally, it discusses the challenges that currently exist in schools and the current limitations these institutions experience.
Absent from the literature is a coherent understanding of how the mentoring programs that bring social capital to children, can be created in schools on a mass scale and how the schools themselves need to be approached or infused with the capacities to permit for these changes to take hold and thrive (Corbit 2002). It is this gap in the literature this research aims to bridge. By studying a number of organizations currently working with or in schools, this research performs a study to help bring together all these elements in a clear and consistent manner. The result is a means of bringing social ...