Use Of Technology

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Use of Technology


Teaching and technology can have a direct relationship, as the new emerging technologies are driving educators to understand and leverage the use of these technologies with in the class room. On the other hand, the direct implementation of these technologies within the classroom can have an effect on the way these technologies will continue to develop. During the history, a number of technologies have developed; however, at the same time, the teachers have been whining about finding useful ways to integrate these technologies in the class room, be it the television, the computer, the typewriter or the calculator.

While, a number of professional educators, may have left this unwavering call go unheard, it is critical to consider that the enthusiasm over social networking and games is not merely a crying wolf from the industry or a mere business; rather, these technologies do play a significant and powerful role in the class and help teachers with their instructions. However, it is believed by some teachers that without these technologies, learning objectives and strong lessons can still be attained. In my perception, it is about time that the educators should start taking these calls, even if only on a trial basis, as more advancement are made in the technologies.

No doubt that without having these technologies, for instance digital games, Web 2.0, etc., in the classroom, instructors can still develop strong lessons; however, there exists a jagged disengage between the ways lessons are taught at the school, and the way the outside world moves toward accomplishment, meaning-making, and socialization.

Thesis Statement

“Use of technology in class rooms' increases efficiency and effectiveness of the lessons taught.”


It is vital that education should not only look for mitigating these differences so as to make both of these worlds more flawless, but also to pull the influence such innovative technologies in order to achieve instructional gains. As a consequence of these attacks on education, people belonging to the outside world commonly pounce on educators and the way education is believed to be carried out in the classrooms of the United States, very quickly. This widely accepted perspective of using technology within the classrooms has become the centre of increased debate, driving the field of education towards an imperative revolution which entails thorough transformation of the educational practices and systems. Although it is widely accepted that the field of education is as similar as the other sectors in its need to adapt to changes in technology and modify its systems accordingly. It is also evident that a number of educators have skillfully created dynamic learning environment by implementing aiding their teaching practices with technology (Klopfer, pp. 3).

Making assaults on the current practices of the educators, when united with the scarcity of recognition for the present best practices does nothing but create obstructions in the development of the education sector. There are countless educators, currently present in the industry that are not only masters in their crafts, but are also implementing a wide range of outstanding strategies for ...
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