Usa Patriotic Act

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USA Patriotic Act

USA Patriotic Act


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the patriot act. The paper makes discussion on the issue that whether the patriot act helps in bridging the essential freedoms. The Patriot Act is being criticized increasingly virulent as the part of citizen groups as city councils and state legislatures. Adopted under the influence of emotion in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, it gives federal agencies extraordinary powers to search private property, seize documents and confidential to wiretapped telephone lines (The USA PATRIOT Act, 2001). In 2005, the House of Representatives of the United States has voted to extend the application of measures of the law, despite the controversy , with a few bonus changes that can be described as purely cosmetic.


This law was promulgated by the United States October 24, 2001, or shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. In fact, she basically enhance the effect of an old U.S. law dating from 1978, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, by substantially increasing the powers of the U.S. authorities (FBI, CIA, NSA and the U.S. military) in their collecting confidential information. Upon adoption, the Patriot Act was introduced by the U.S. government as a measure that would enable it to protect the safety of Americans by exposing international terrorists on their territory. Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the necessity and urgency of ensuring the national security of U.S. citizens through a law allowing access to certain confidential information a priority seemed quite commendable (Christopher, 2004). Yet, in retrospect, many of which certain American defense of individual liberties, have examined the possible slippage of the application of the Patriot Act. Some argue that the effects of application of Patriot Act could extend outside U.S. borders and ...
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