Usa Foreign Policy

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In this study, we try to explore the concept of “USA foreign policy” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “USA foreign policy” and its relation with “Civil war in Libya.” The research also analyzes many aspects of “USA foreign policy” and tries to gauge its effect on “subtopic.” Finally, the research describes various factors, which are responsible for “USA foreign policy,” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Civil war in Libya” on “USA foreign policy.”

Table of Contents


The problem4

U.S. Interests in Libya4

Policy recommendations for USA foreign policy for Libya5

Utilize positive and negative inducements5

Freezing military operations6

Non-military support in the region7

Be Willing to Accept the Status Quo7




The problem

The USA and its associates are in a state of war in Libya. Whether the (UNSCR) United Nations Security Council Resolution has authorized the force added up to a proclamation of war in the region, the instant America and the allies recurred to acts of force to achieve what had thus far eluded them through peaceable means, they went to war.

There needs to be a change in the USA foreign policy towards Libya, because the USA has adopted the policy of starting a war against other nations as well, and as a result, the US economy had to bear a huge cost because of this. (Hogan & Thomas 2004)

U.S. Interests in Libya

Since intervention from the military in Libya would not instantly influence the vital U.S. national security related interests and as not a single exhaustive process of planning has seemed to precede this intervention, the Administration of the Obama government finds themselves in a dilemma. The reality is that the deliberations that preceded intervention from the military seem to have occurred too quickly for the USA to establish its policy, identify its strategic aims and question its own assumptions about the environment in which it was about to enter. The administration is had been left with a number of activities that are not bound with a broad framework for strategy. However, now that the USA is involved in operations from the military, in Libya, the most prudent course of action for the Administration of the Obama government is to more finely assess its security related interests in light of the possible outcomes and make corresponding policy decisions bring the war to an end.

According to the national security adviser of former U.S. General Jim Jones, the war in Libya is in the vital interest of Europe more than America. It was intended that the vital interest is the impact on the bio-security in the country, but part of an alliance, we are world leaders. He added that the war, in Libya, is in the interest of Europeans, looking at the massive migration, terrorism and oil market. (Mertus 2008)

Asked for his opinion on how to end operations in Libya, said that this was a big issue, admitting that he does not know how to push America Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to ...
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