This paper intends to explore the potential US policies toward China. For this purpose it is assumed that I am a country desk officer at the US State Department for the country. I have been given a responsibility to write a memo to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton outlining my opinion regarding the US policy towards China. I am advocating and representing interests of United States.
To: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
From: [Name], country desk officer for United States
Re: Recommended US foreign policy towards China
Date: October 23, 2012
Overview of US and China Relations
Since the end of the Cold War the core of China-US economic and military balance of power in the Asia Pacific pattern has undergone significant changes. Considering in terms of the size of the economy, the U.S. GDP in 1991 accounted for 25.99 percent of the total, China accounted for only 1.83%; 2001, the United States rose to a peak of 31.80%, China accounted for 4.16%; United States in 2008 to 23.44% China rose to 7.23%. Simultaneously, United States was apprehensive about the rise of China's military strength and economic landscape reconstruction. Despite the modernization process of China's military growth and the fact that military background of the world's rich and emerging countries are moving in this direction, China has been regularly publishing its defense strategy on paper to show that the strategic intent and prominent military policy is defensive in nature.
Washington and Beijing
The two capitals of the nations, Beijing and Washington differ substantially on a wide range of diplomatic, economic, human rights and security issues. An engagement strategy may not be sufficient enough to bright the gap of differences completely. Rather, there is a strong need for US to coherent, publicly and clearly, a comprehensive long term strategy for China- which may advance United States interests and core values, such that it may not only emphasize United States commitments to the partners and allies in the Asia pacific, it may support the Tibetans, Chinese dissidents, and Uighurs in their continuous struggle for dignity, respect and human rights as well (, 2012).
Economy and Trade
US have been bound together with China economically since a very long time. Since past 3 decades, China has become liberal and it has grown tremendously, that it ranks at the second place after US. In the year 2011, US imported goods and services from china worth $2.6 trillion and exported roughly $2.1 trillion. Beijing is considered to be one of the major owning parties of America's government debt, rough estimated to $1.13 trillion in United States Treasury as of Jan 2012 (, 2012).
United States must push China over the matter of neglectful enforcing of global rules concerning intellectual property rights that may continue to weaken the prime sectors of the United States economy. China has kept Yuan undervalued to have an advantage, but it is having an adverse affect on US economy. One of the largest sources of counterfeit goods across the globe is ...