The foreign policy of the United States can be determined by the President and implemented by the State Department, headed by the Secretary of State. The United States carried out a complex foreign policy, which enshrines the basic principles of "building a safer world" and the "spread of democracy for the benefit of the American people and the international community". The United States has played a vital role in international relations, have the most advanced in the world network of diplomatic missions. United States is a founding member of the United Nations and the North Atlantic Alliance, a member of the UN Security Council. U.S. diplomacy takes an active part in resolving virtually all international conflicts and disputes.
Challenges, trends, doctrines, power systems, policies and terminology
American foreign policy must unknot in six different levels of analysis:
The basic requirements, defined as the values recited by the political leadership, allegedly rooted in deep historical roots with its consequent moral burden and synthesized in Manifest Destiny, 1845. They are :
American Exceptionalism: this makes America a beacon for the world and serves as justification for a scheme of foreign policy "crusade."
An ascetic morality, protected by the principles of the "Founding Fathers", and the expectations of the "Pilgrim Fathers" who arrived aboard the Mayflower in 1620
Liberal democracy, which first went through a period that disputes in assemblies, peers, and then settled as a set of procedures that make the rules of the political regime
Constitutional republicanism, away from monarchical form, with a controlled power that guarantees individual freedom
Foreign Policy and Media
Foreign policy is not the media made, however, in the information age, it can be made unaware of their existence. Years after the worst crisis in foreign policy of the Cold War, the missile crisis, Robert McNamara, then Secretary of Defense, said almost casually, that did not turn on TV all the time that President Kennedy and his advisers were regarding events that could push the U.S. and USSR nuclear war. Fast-forward the clock to 1999, the conflict in Kosovo; we clearly see the remarkable way that has increased the role of media and information in general in the development of U.S. foreign policy. Policy development is the construction of a theoretical scheme which aims to provide at least the rulers of tools that support or explain particular courses of action. This means not replace diplomacy confidential but complement it. ...