Us Constitution

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Formation of US Constitution

Formation of US Constitution

Birth of US Constitution

The Constitution of the United States was formed on 17 September 1787, which lays down their political and legal regulations. It provides an integrated republic model of presidential system in which the President of both state and head of government takes decisions. The political system is characterized by many as “checks and balances "called separation of powers from, legislation, control and authority to act separately, but through extensive entanglement against each other (Elster & Slagstad, 2008).

United States Constitution, adopted in 1787, operates in the country so far - with 27 as amended by the amendments. Its adoption was due to the economic, political, social and ideological factors: the economic difficulties of the postwar period, the threat of new civil war, the need to rally the state and the centralization of power - all this required the creation of a unified state. Constitution adopted the Constitutional convention, which convened in 1787 in Philadelphia, and on which states have sent 55 delegates (Barnett & Randy, 2004).

Nearly all the delegates had experience in public-legal work or business. Among them, a prominent role played by Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, D. Madison, Randolph E., D. Wilson. The U.S. Constitution based on the principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches. It is very concise and many of its articles are general in nature hence the critical importance to its interpretation is the prerogative of the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Constitution Of 1781

The Continental Congress composed of delegates from the colonies revolted against England, and sitting in Philadelphia, solemnly proclaimed July 4, 1776, the independence of these colonies, under the name United States of America. A few days earlier he had confided to a commission to draft the constitutional status of the Confederation. The deliberations of this committee were kept secret. It is believed that Dickinson, a delegate from Pennsylvania, was a vital part in writing "articles". The divisions within the Congress, is very deep on the most important issues such as representation in Congress, duties and powers of this body, the method of election and the extent of the powers reserved to the States, the discussion prolonged with long intermissions for over two years and the text of the articles arrested in November 1778 (Elster & Slagstad, 2008).

Congress immediately sent to the governments of various states asking for their early accession. It is essential that the Confederation came out of the revolutionary state, and was beginning a regular and legal existence. Twelve states acceded in a short time in sections, but it was unanimous. Maryland delayed its acceptance through early 1784. He had to depend on the commitment that would take the claims with settlements in the territories of the West to abandon them in favor of Confederation. This condition is met; the items put into effect. It was the time of greatest distress of the power of the Continental Congress, while the American cause seemed no longer be sustained only ...
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