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Treatment Of Overweight Soldiers In Us Army And Why Are They Treated Different Than A Soldier With An Alcohol Problem?

Treatment Of Overweight Soldiers In Us Army And Why Are They Treated Different Than A Soldier With An Alcohol Problem?


Excess body fat is linked to the presence of coronary heart disease (risk increases from a Mass lndex Body of 25), hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obstructive pulmonary disease chronic osteoarthritis (Heyward & Stolarczyk, 1996). Overweight and obesity increase the risk of endometrial, ovarian, breast, bladder, prostate and colon diseases liver and gallbladder, gout, Obstructive sleep apnea, alter- tions menstrual and infertility. The Obesity offers no benefit except perhaps some protection against malaria (Malaria Joumal). In 2002, the impact direct and indirect economic for medical care of patients exceeded in overweight or obese in U.S. was 92.6 billion. Stress and return from the front of combat have been the main causes of excess weight in the per- U.S. military personnel Soldiers suffering from obesity most of the effects of heat that normal weight people. Recently published mind the case of a welded British 32 years died in Irak by heat stroke linked to that was really exceeded weight. The Pentagon does not admit the Armed Forces pictures of overweight and obesity because it argues that they cause a reduction in operational effectiveness of staff associating military purposes besides harmful acute and chronic health thereof. 20 It has been further found that retired military personnel (and their families) facing a change of lifestyle have an increased in the prevalence of obesity with its consequences.

A study carried out by the U.S. Army revealed that 1993, 22.8% of recruits postulates had excess weight and in 2006 this figure rose to 27.1%. At present it is overweight precisely the main main cause of rejection Applicants to join the Armed Forces. It has also been striking note that the physical fitness of 14% U.S. pilots is considered marginal or poor. According to a study by the Pentagon, the number of obese in the Armed Forces North americanas has doubled since the beginning of the war in Irak in 2003. The amount of overweight and obese in 1998 was 25,652 (1.6%) passed in 2003 to 34.3 (2.1%) and in 2008 to 68,786 (4.4%). Vieweg et al found significant levels of overshoot and obesity among veterans posttraumatic stress affected. A government study U.S. reveals that by 2022 nine in 10 men will be exceeded weight and half of them are obese within 15 years. In 25 years half population of U.S. will be obese. The U.S. entity Mission Readiness issued on 20 April 2010 whereby an article 9 million young adults do not can now enter the U.S. Armed Forces because of their excess weight. A study in the Russian armed forces revealed that the 25 percent of the generals and other senior officers were not able to testing of fitness and 30 percent had excess weight. Because of this Alexander Kolmakov, Minister of Defense established a seven-year program ...
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