Urban Geography

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Urban Geography

Urban Geography

Before proceeding, some clarification of the designation Chinese is necessary in light of the vast amount of variation that exists across different societies that are considered Chinese. For the purpose of this entry, research conducted in a number of countries may be included in this designation, including the People's Republic of China (P.R.C.), Taiwan, and Hong Kong. In addition, this designation will refer to individuals of Chinese descent residing in countries other than the ones listed previously (e.g., Chinese American immigrants).

As of 2002, the population in Mainland China totaled 1,284,303,705, which is approximately one fifth of the world's population. The immigration of Chinese people to countries such as the United States has helped create substantial populations in the receiving countries. For instance, in 2002, the Chinese population totaled 2,432,585 million in the United States and 1,029,395 in Canada. These Chinese immigrants constitute distinct cultural groups that bring with them particular beliefs, practices, and norms. Thus, the study of parenting among Chinese families is important not only for scholarly reasons pertaining to our understanding of parenting in general or within particular groups; as the number of Chinese children increases in population worldwide and in North America, work in parenting among this population is necessary to inform public policy, practice, and effective intervention on these children's behalf.

Capitalism is the title granted to the financial system that incorporates free enterprise and a market system by Karl Marx, the founder of communism. By the textbook definition, capitalism is an economic system in which personal persons and enterprise firms convey on the production and the exchange of items and services through a complex mesh of charges and markets. (Heilbroner1 13-15) Capitalism is a beliefs that began in Europe, where it developed and come to its pinnacle in the nineteenth century. During the nineteenth years capitalism disperse all through the world and to the joined States. The joined States adopted the concepts of capitalism and put them into perform making capitalism America's financial syste. Capitalism has been for the most part the dominant economic scheme in the world and has only been disputed on limited occasions by other financial schemes such as socialism and communism. (Heilbroner2 36-40) Capitalism, as does any other economic scheme, has several key characteristics that define it. First, rudimentary output amenities such as land and capital are personally owned. Second, economic activity is organized and coordinated through the interaction between the buyers.The origination of capitalism took place in Europe mainly during the thirteenth century and onward. T e. The nation state supplied the absolutely vital peace, regulation, and order that are crucial for capitalism to grow. This growth is achieved through the accumulation of an economic surplus by the private entrepreneur and the funneling of this surplus back into the capitalist scheme for farther expansion. Therefore without some minimum of calm, regulation and order, this cycle would not continue and capitalism would not be successful. (Heilbroner 147) Today in the year 2000, capitalism is still the dominant financial ...
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