Upbringing A Child

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Upbringing a Child

Upbringing a Child

Role of Family in Shaping Childhood

Traditionally, the principal institution of education is the family that is the child in childhood acquired in the family maintains throughout the rest of his life. Family can act as both positive and negative factors of education. Positive impact on the child's personality is that no one except those closest to him in the human family - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister - can better guide and help him understand the do's and don'ts of living through his childhood. No other social institution can potentially cause so much harm in bringing up children, how many can make a family (Bratton, 2005, 376).

Family is a special team that plays in the upbringing of a major, long-term and important role. Anxious mothers often grow anxious children, ambitious parents often suppress their children so that it leads to their inferiority complex; intemperate father, coming out of himself at the slightest provocation, often, without knowing, forms a similar type of behaviour from their children, etc. In connection with the special educational role of the family raises the question of how to do so in order to maximize positive and minimize the negative impact of family child-rearing. You must determine exactly intra-family social and psychological factors that have educational value.

One key important in educating young people is to achieve spiritual unity and moral context of parents with a child. Parents in any case it is not necessary to let the process take its course and training at an older age, matured to leave a child alone with oneself. It is in the family the child gets the first experience of life, makes the first observation and learns how to behave in different situations. It is important that what we teach the child, followed by concrete examples, so that he could see that adults are not at variance with the theory of practice. (If your child sees that his mom and dad, who each day said to him that lying is not good, find them back down from this rule, all training can go awry.

Conflict between parents - different approaches to parenting

The first task of the parents, in order for them to find a common solution to convince the child and ultimately themselves of the role they are obliged to play. If you need to compromise, it is imperative that the basic requirements of the parties were satisfied. When one parent decides he must remember the position of the second. The second task is to make sure that the child did not see the contradictions in the positions of the parents, i.e. discuss these issues better off without him.

Children quickly "grasp" what is said and pretty easy to manoeuvre between the parents, seeking short-term benefits (usually at the side of laziness, poor training, disobedience, etc.). Parents are taking action must in the first place not to put their own views, but that would be more beneficial to the ...
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