Unwrapping The Technology Standards

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Unwrapping The Technology Standards

Unwrapping the Technology Standards


One of the main components of the NETS programs is the guidelines and key points that it has created to aid the educator with the task of developing technology literate students. I chose to focus on the PK-2nd Grade guidelines developed by NETS for Students.

It is important to keep in mind that the profile that is set up for PK-2nd grade is meant as a guide for teachers to use as “indicators of achievements at this certain primary stage and it is based on the assumption or idea that these children will have regular access to several different types of technological tools.

There is a multitude of technology that is widely available for the K-12 classroom. Software as simple as Microsoft Powerpoint and as complex as Auto CAD is available for every type of classroom. Hardware such as scanners, digital cameras, and flash drives are also a tiny handful of hardware that is available. In addition, there are many types of computing systems available for classrooms. From mobile computers and tablet pcs to ipods and smartphones, classes have even more technological choices that offer instant mobility, and Web 2.0 technology allows teachers to communicate easily with students, parents, and the community.


According to ISTE, there are ten “experiences with technology and digital resources are examples of learning activities in which students might engage during PK-Grade 2 (ages 4-8)”. Of these, I feel that there are several that are right on target and will be easy to implement. The first of these is number three, which states that students should “Engage in learning activities with learners from multiple cultures through e-mail and other electronic means”. Because most schools have computers with Internet access, it is entirely possible for teachers and technology staff to implement this goal.

There are many email services designed for younger users, and there are many websites that offer instant communication tools for students. This goal is on target because it is designed to help students connect with their peers and interact with a global audience. Engaging in learning with students from multiple cultures is not only engaging to this age-level group, it also prepares students for real-world experiences. In addition, the tenth goal is also right on target and easily implementable. It states that students will “demonstrate the ability to navigate in virtual environments such as electronic ...