University Of Derby In China

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University of Derby in China

University of Derby in China


Going into a country and doing business is, despite of its advantages, a risky game. The country has totally different culture and background, and understanding them takes awhile. But in this age of globalization, it is opportunity for every industry to explore new boundaries in different countries. (Mead, 2005, 221-247)

University of Derby has decided to open its campus in China. This won't be easy, as China is a totally a different market and they may face challenges if they proper planning is not done. Some challenges that the university may face are discussed below.


Limitations for Foreign Universities

 The most important factors that should be considered by the foreign universities in China education sector are listed below.

Experienced professors

Having well-qualified and experienced academic staff helps to attract talented students and research funding.

Ability to take advantage of government subsidies and other grants

The ability of foreign universities to take advantage of government funding can bolster revenues.

Ability to respond to students' needs

The student demographic is changing and now includes students from non-traditional backgrounds, including students that are older and employed. Universities that introduce flexibility to cater to these students will benefit from this growing market (Hofstede, 2001, 89-110).Having a good reputation

The perceived value of an institution is important for attracting the top students and for encouraging employer demand.Ability to raise revenue from additional sources

Receiving research funds and charitable donations can allow foreign universities to grow or improve existing facilities.

Language Problem

The official language of China is Chinese, and for this, University of Derby has to acquire only those people who know how to speak Chinese


China has a different culture than the UK, so the management has to study the culture and tradition of the country.

Effective Cost Controls

Reviewing the education policies reflects the fact that, although the government wants younger Chinese to be able to go to college, it cannot financially afford to create the necessary number of high-quality institutions to meet the demand. Nor can it lift the quality of its colleges without a significant knowledge transfer from outside and by drawing upon international models of best practices. That makes the idea of foreign direct investment in China higher education particularly attractive to top officials.

Foreign colleges must also evaluate the relationship between international expansion and their missions. Does a campus in Wuhan fit with, say, University of Derby aim of providing open and affordable access to work-force-preparation programs? Does it align with the priorities of the legislature for state-supported colleges? What benefits foreign institutions can gain from establishing a physical presence in China? Businesses and other types of organizations have usually entered China to gain revenue and enhance their reputations. In higher education, however, few institutions have profited financially from creating international campuses. Selling such a high-priced service with intangible outcomes often depends on strong brand recognition: Part of the Harvard experience is Harvard Square and Upstairs on the Square and that is hard to replicate in ...
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