Unit Viii Course Project

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Unit VIII Course Project


Overview of the Site

The site used for this assignment is an abandoned industrial site that has been used by two companies during last sixty years. It is essential to discuss that both the companies are not functioning anymore. Another important thing to know about the site is that a stream also runs through this site, which is a popular fishing stream. No doubt, industries continue to produce and disseminate daily thousands of chemical compounds. This is done most of the time without any serious evaluation, or very little, and without understanding the impacts on people and the environment. However, there are 100 unmarked drums buried on the site among which many are rusting and showing signs of cracking. In fact, the impact of this can be felt as there is a general strong smell of pungent chemicals in the air near the drums. Although the drums are unmarked, it is known that wastes from the previous industrial activities included hazardous subatances such as PCBs, Chromium waste, Acrylamide, and Toluene diisocyanate (TDI).

Further, the most concerning point is that the site is located approximately one mile upstream of a residential area and a surface water withdrawal point for the local water supply. In addition, the water is also withdrawn downstream from the site for irrigation purposes. This assignment focuses on the concerns due to the use of hazardous substance at the site. This paper attempts to analyze the wastes found in site, perform a risk assessment process for the site, and recommend appropriate measures to prevent harmful effects of hazardous substances.

Analysis of Wastes

Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Polychlorinated biphenyls or PCB can be viewed as an example of a polluting substance group whose chemical and physical properties to an extremely successful application of technology lead to dissemination (Williams et al., 2000). No doubt, PCBs are toxic and persistent substances as they accumulate in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, spreading on a global scale through atmospheric processes. PCBs are responsible for a wide range of chronic toxic effects such as damage to the immune system and the central nervous system. In addition, PCBs are cause harmful effects on the mechanisms of endocrine regulation or hormones in the body. However, it is also essential to know that some PCBs have similar effects to those of dioxin, and for this reason they are also called coplanar or CPCB. As PCBs have multifaceted damaging effects on the number of organs and systems, the main symptoms of PCB exposure at the site may include chloracne, eye irritation, fatigue, headache and sore throat (Nemerow, 2006).

Chromium Waste

Chromium is one of the metals that received attention of researchers in relation to food, environmental and toxicological concern. Chromium is used as a catalyst in the synthesis of ammonia, in the manufacture of chrome steels, stainless steels and alloys as well as for chromium plating. Organic complexes are used as colorants development in color photography, and inorganic derivatives of chromium are used as pigments (Nemerow, 2006). In addition, wastes containing chromium are considered problematic ...
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