Uasc Challenges & Social Practice

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What are the Challenges Facing Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children: Implications for Social Work Practices

What are the Challenges Facing Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children: Implications for Social Work Practices


This paper aim to explore the challenges that arise when working with the unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in the United Kingdom with discuss the difference between the values, ethics and government legislation which informative to the social worker performance. This research paper will examine the challenges facing unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC) with reference to the implications for social work practices that derive from these challenges. This paper also highlights the distressing experience of young asylum seeker going through when they facing forced removal and decision related to traumatic that can have an effect on their capability decisions. The paper discusses the wider implication that how social worker can deliver the unique support unaccompanied which is required by young people. Paper recommends working partnership with the children while using a thematic approach for addressing their needs in order to provide positive practice in the future. In order to ensure authenticity, a critical evaluation tool will be utilized to provide the research with a sound foundation (Walker, 2011).


Unaccompanied children are defined as the young person who is under the age of 18 and making an application for asylum his or her own rights due to no adult relative or guardian to turn in this country, such children may arrive in the United Kingdom by themselves or with having no adults or who are latterly abandoned them does not represent a suitable guardian. According to National Archives, (2011) each local authority shall prove the accommodation for any child that is requiring surrounded by their area who appear s them to required some accommodation as the result of, there is no person available in that region parental responsible for him. The power over of the social worker holds the division and allocation of the resource that propose a conflict of interest when assess the age of UASC. There is the beginning of the tension between the social worker role while making the decision about the child or the young person under pressure for managing budget and available resources.

The UASC as claims asylum that the local authority children's social service division in that region initially presents responsible completing Merton complain age assessment. There are many asylum applicant claims that the children that do not have evidence support from the documentary their claim age (Wright, 2012). Therefore, there is the need of careful assessment of the physical appearance which can also affect the previous experience require to decide particular date of birth for make use of in United Kingdom. The power and control of the social worker that holds the separation and allocation of resources propose conflict of attention while assess the age of UASC. However, the assessment of the age does not much matter when the person is above the age of 18 years. UASC has assessed the age of sixteen years that will be allowed ...